Dec 28, 2010

My year(s) in reflection.

One of my favorite songs. Image found on Google.
2010 was not the easiest, in fact one of my besties commented it was probably the toughest yet. I'd have to agree with her.

It's been a busy one, if I'm going to put it mildly as to not scare you away. Trips, family dealings, kids moving in and out..mild things, I censored the other stuffs out.
But my hubby and I survived it intact.
Points to us for that. I insist.

We sit and talk about the years we've had, going back three, ten even twenty years. We don't always remember everything but the times that do matter we remember when..

Twenty years ago, tough times were measured in days. Each stretching out to it's full maximum with us doing our best to hurry them along. We were parents for the second time, full of knowledge, hopes and a belief we were going to make it through the good & bad. The apron ties had been cut years ago and we had just completed a nest of our own.

Ten years ago found us in the complex, aggravating stressful world of teenagers. We were chained stayed there for  seven/eight years. Not a place I'd willingly go back to unless there was no choice. ( may the powers that be see their way clear I don't ) Such a rough right of passage these days, ours fairly tame in comparison. We felt our way in this world of confusion, emotional roller coasters and a complete understanding of why some species eat their young. No family near to help, to advise, to guide. But DAMN if we didn't pull a fast one on our teenagers, we survived them. Barely.

Three years ago found us at the tail end of that rough time, watching our 'baby' turn twenty finally finding the beauty and belief in her differences. It had been such a struggle for her, heart wrenching for us, unable to help. It also found us on our knees thanking GOD we saw our youngest baby find her 'self' after years of struggling with hurt and pain. She had chosen a very hard road to walk but we wouldn't stop till we helped her off of it. The fight was mostly hers but she came out on top, pregnant but not alone. She had her sister, she had her parents. Through thick and thin, the way it always was.

This year found us struggling to be, once again, the couple we were before kids.A lot older, a boat load wiser.. It was an awakening of sorts. A feeling that we had weathered a long drawn out season, peppered by periods of calm, with times of raging storms. When you have two daughters, it is bound to be an overdose of emotional highs and lows, coated with a thick layer of bitchy estrogen.. and that's just me. Our girls were/are a whole other kettle of fiery finicky females.  But we had signed up for such a thing, perhaps a little naive but in it for the long haul.  To this day, we'd do it all over again if we had to but all I can say is THANK GOD we don't. ;-)

2011 will find us thirty years together, no small feat this day and age. A source of pride for our girls, not many of their friends, sadly, can say the same. It will also find my husband turning 50. A time of decision for him, a time of change. Together we will explore our options and I will be beside him as he stands at his crossroads. I will follow, whatever direction he chooses to go.
I'll face my own crossroads in two years but it can wait. Really.

More than anything, I hope 2011 going forward will be a more evenly paved road. We've had a lot of bumps, potholes and walls to climb on our travels and should there be more ( there will be ) we will weather them together, through thick and thin.
As we navigate this new road not far behind will always be the proof of our love and belief in each other, our children and their children will be forging their own paths.
I pray our roads always intersect and run parallel to each other, our paths forged in love and the strength that has carried us this far.

Goodbye 2010, we survived.
It is with open arms I welcome you, 2011, and with you, the second half of our lives.

Dec 21, 2010

Wordless Wednesday- Christmas in my Kitchen

Calories be damned

Cookie Fail. Wine Whine.

Chocolate Mountain

Christmas Colours

Blink and it's gone

Making Wishes

My View after 3 drinks. Ha Ha

Dec 20, 2010

December's 'I believe'

I Believe

... scales are evil and possessed. Why else would it be calling out my name, taunting me?

...If I'm going to enjoy any part of this wretched winter, I'm going to have to gear up for living in the frozen North. It's hard to make boots, hats, mitts and coats looks sleek when you're bundled up like a three year old.

...things unfold as they must.. for the first time in 23 years hubby and I will wake up Christmas morning alone. Bailey's and coffee first order of the day. :-)

...Brioche baking is not for the faint of heart. Nor is the calories associated with it.But really yummy.

...Flannel sheets, peeps, it's the way to go. In Canada. In winter. In this freezing province.

...I'm DONE my Christmas shopping. Boo Yah!  Christmas shopping drives me to drink.  

...I'm looking forward to next year. I need a break from this one, it's been tough on several fronts. But... it was what it was supposed to be I guess.

...Zumba's going to be interesting to take. Attended a free class and it's um... different.  

...I need to get up and get my day started. But I really don't want to, I'm sooo comfy right here, right now. sigh.

...What do you believe?

Dec 16, 2010

December's Open Letters

Dear Lady,
It's YOU who cut me off in the grocery isle. Don't 'tsk' me, you bag. I almost laughed at the look on your face when I called you out. :-) 
Tsk'ette took her to task'ette.

Dear Dog, 
Continue barking and I'll remove your vocal cords, you little turding machine. 
Partial to my ear drums.

Dear Hubby, 
You need to remember it's YOU who's deaf in one ear and 30% hearing capacity in the other, not ME. T.V. volume is way too loud. However, I do have a sign I can use once your hearing completely goes. It's universal and understood by all.   ;-) 
Again, partial to my ear drums.

Dear Sanity, 
Why hello there. Haven't seen you in a while.. where you been? 
Welcome back, stay a while?

Huh.. imagine that, you do work. I haven't tripped over a piece of lint or misstepped off the sidewalk since you've been gracing my wrist. And a pretty pink you are.
Balanced Bella

Dear Ol Man Winter
UGH, You're back you old Son of a ... and for the next five months . You.really. suck.  
S.A.D. Chick

Dear Boots, 
I'm hunting madly for you. Help me out, will ya? Come out of hiding, I'll take you home, I promise. 
These boots were made for.. me to buy.

Dear Bloggy Friends, 
I wish each and every one of you wonderful folks a holiday season filled with quiet moments, crazy times and an abundance of what makes your holidays a success. I raise a glass (or two) of wine to you all.  
Warm regards, 

Dec 14, 2010

Dec 13, 2010

For Today..

For Today

Outside my window...
I'm hoping to seeing the sun. That big yellow circular object in the sky that's been missing for weeks.

I am thinking...
I have a heck of a lot to do today. How'd that happen? 

I am thankful for...
a good night's sleep. They don't happen too often.

From the Kitchen...
I have fresh ingredients for guacamole. Calories be damned, this is good fat, right?

I am wearing...
my work out clothes. It's a must. My scale hates the month of December.

I am creating...
my clone. She can attack my to-do list. Damn, I'm brilliant.  

I am going...
to the Rec Center today to sign up for a variety of fitness classes for January.  

I am reading...
or rather squinting at an ingredient list. Why is it typed so bloody small?  

I am hoping...
for my fence soon. It'll make me like my dogs more. 

I am hearing...
my neighbour cough up her lung. Have another smoke, Sugar. 

Around the house...
I see dust bunnies procreating in corners. Little friggers.

One of my favorite things...
is hubby waking me up with a steaming hot cuppa coffee. Why helloooo... No, no dear, the coffee, not you.

A few plans for the week...
a few? Please refer back to the to-do list. The stupid clone ran for her artificial life. 

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...

Gone south. ( where I wish I was )

Dec 9, 2010

December's Musings of This, That and Other Things

I didn't make it back to school like I wanted to. I've been missing the process of learning and education. So I took it upon myself to self teach through Youtube . Sometimes it's a great place to learn, don't you agree? 

I an getting ready to do some Christmas baking. Someone throw me a lifeline, I haven't worked out in 3 or 4 months. I'm making authentic shortbread cookies. Help me. 

Ok, in my defence I haven't worked out because a) my summer was taken over by family members and their needs/ demands.  b) Having a do-to list that was a month long and kept multiplying on a weekly basis. c) an operation I had and was warned not to work out for a month afterwards and d) fighting this cold in my lungs for a month now waiting for it to take a powder. 
So I'm waiting patiently  or more like impatiently. I go downstairs and look at my gym and sigh. I miss it. Lots.

Interesting fact- I used to figure skate, I was able to do wicked spins at neck breaking speeds without the world tilting. Now, I can't even sit on a chair and spin once without falling off or feeling like I'm going to upchuck. Apparently once a woman gives birth, the ability to have a center of gravity is gone. Poof. Huh.. never knew that. Not that I had plans to return to figure skating but I found that little tidbit interesting. 

Had to laugh. I was driving with hubby on a very busy road when he dropped his cell. Landed between his feet, so being the kind helpful person I am, I unbuckled and reached over. Only I had to stretch and his umm crotch was in my way. So turned my face sideways and pressed down as I reached for the cell. He got all in a tither because, well, it looked bad. And bigger trucks were passing. And I'm sure conclusions were drawn. And probably a few fist pumps thrown his way. 
Geeze, what's with all the kerfuffle? It's just a damn cell phone, peoples. ;-)

Standing next in line at the corner store, waiting for a boy to pay for his purchases. Came up to more than what he had. He takes the chocolate bar to put back, I grab it from him. I'll just ring it up with my order, can't stand to see the look on his face. He lit up like a Christmas tree, embarrassed, happy, shy. I asked him if he had ever heard of the saying, " Pay it forward". Nope, he's just a young 10 or 11 year old after all. I explain it to him and I ask him to do this one thing for me, to go find a kid at his school who's bullied or alone and hang out with him for recess or lunch. Made him promise me. I hope he carries through and...pays it forward. 

Made two batches of Christmas cookies for Christmas time. Didn't even make it to the container I was going to freeze them in, hubby attacked both batches like a man starved for three days. Snuck what was left in his lunches for work. Who else has to bake in 'hiding'? He sniffs them out, I swear.

What are your musings today?

Dec 5, 2010

We own a Village- sans idiot.

This is our Village. Feel free to look around, the locals are super friendly. :-)

Memories of my childhood.. The Sugar Shack :-) 
The nut acorn doesn't fall far from the tree 
A little Flake(y).. like us :-) 
A view of our Village
Canadian Moose.
Can you say 'Engrossed'? Ten second exposure.  
A little bird's pride and joy
Ice, baby, Ice
Our humble abode.
Curling.. it's Canadian, eh. 
Sadly this little guy's not going to make it through the winter . Yes, married to a hunter.
The animals celebrate The Birth.