Oct 18, 2014

For Today

For Today

Outside my window...
I am looking at the waning light. The days are short, the geese are flying and that is all things bad to me. Winter is at my door step once more. But not any old winter, we're told to expect the 'T-Rex' of winters.
Oh joy. Oh so not. 

I am thinking...
of the ocean. And how much I want to be walking along the shore of the pacific one right now. 

I am thankful for...
my husband. Always.   
From the Kitchen...
my heritage bubbled in the pot for 4 hours. My daughter made some of the best cretons we've made to date. My grand baby can eat that stuff by the fork full. Give me toast with butter and you just pass me that stuff my way, thank you very much. 

I am wearing...
I am starting to hate this question. Let's just say I am wearing the usual ' at home and don't rightly give a shit what I look like' attire. Savvy?

I am creating...
I gots nuthin', Peeps. Nuthin'.
I am going...
to get my flu shot this week. After last winter's H1N1 crap, I'm not inclined to revisit that type of sickness again. Ever. 

I am reading...
I am reading with my new 'water' kobo!  Oooh yeahhh, colour me happy :-D. ( the new H20 kobo, drop it in the tub and ppffhhhtt no prob, Bob, it's water safe. Ha! (not that I have ever dropped anything in the tub. I am terrified of doing it but there's a comfort in knowing if I did, my e-reader would survive intact ) 

I am hoping...
For a successful operation my husband will probably have to undergo just before Christmas. I'm not sure how I'll manage it while they have him under. Really strong coffee? Damn it, I wish it was over already. :-( 

I am hearing...
One of the dogs snore. Which he's now perfected to sound like my husband. How the hell does a dog manage that anyways?? 

Around the house...
Meh. . nothing exciting. Waiting for the permit to build the garage out back. Just what hubby needs to keep him busy. . 

One of my favourite things...
Coffee meets where your peeps put down the cell phones and keep them that way!
Wha. .??  Yup. Truth.

A few plans for the week...
Not too sure. I downloaded over 70 hours of photographic video. Watching a part of them would be a safe bet.
Here is a picture I thought worth sharing...

These 3 might have given me the white hairs I not so proudly sport but they flat out rock my world. 

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