Mar 21, 2015

A couple of photography challenges

A month or so ago I was invited to join a photography critique group and I jumped at the chance. Winter is not my fav season, and I don't take many pictures. I know I needed a push to get my camera out again to play. I welcome critiques of my work, it does not scare me. . if it's done right. There is a fine art to it and it can be a wicked good learning curve.
Anyhow, there has been two since I joined. The first is
'Mother Nature's Beauty' Here were my 3 submissions.

Titled 'The Arbo's Crescendo'

Titled 'Nature's little water bowls'

Titled 'Dressed to Kill'  

The second challenge allowed me to put on my thinking cap. It is my perception of what I want to portray for the theme.

Challenge #2- 'Home is where the Heart is' -here were my 3 submissions.
The last one was of my grand daughter 'sick' home from school at my house while her mother went to work. Suffice it to say what happens at Namie's stays at Namie's. On an aside, I had trouble with the shadows on her face due to the placement of the sun , as well she was going heck bent for election on the swings. The egg photograph refuses to show itself as it's supposed to be, a lot whiter and brighter. Oh well. 

Titled: 'The pulse of a home beats within the heart of a kitchen'

Titled: 'Where the pin lands the heart follows'

Titled: 'Sick day w/ Namie'

Mar 10, 2015

Musings of This, That and Other Things

Out of the mouth of babes:
A discussion my 7 yr old grand daughter is having with me about training dogs and her plans for having many of them.
(until recently she and her momma lived with us since she was born)
Beah: Yup, I'm going to have many dogs and train them and this is how I'm going to do it. < a 20 minute long one sided animated conversation followed> It ended with her saying she was going to move back in my house to do it.
Me: Beah, you know full well we have 2 dogs and we're not getting anymore.
Beah: Oh don't worry, Namie, I already got that covered. I'm going to wait till you move out or pass away.

I want to order a case of dictionaries that solely hold the definition of this word. I want to walk up to deserving people and SMACK! them upside the head with said books then the imprint of the definition permanently on their forehead. Oh and afterwards they can keep the book courtesy of me. :-)
Not that I'm violent. . much.

The Karma Bus:
Yeah, she's slow at times but she does come when she's supposed to.
Is it wrong of me to take such enjoyment out of that thought?
Bahhh don't bother answering, it's a rhetorical question.

is golden. . till your dog lets a SBD (silent but deadly) one rip and drives you out of the room. Then it's a) ruined the definition and joy of the word and b) the peacefulness of the next three hours is gone while you try to forget that unholy smell. How is a scent like that even possible?!?

I won't smoke the stuff myself but I would like to try the concentrated oil stuff. I think it would help alleviate some pain in the ass symptoms associated with the menopause thing along with helping to righten my sparkling personality when it starts going sideways. ( a wee bit of sarcasm. I have nowhere near what is a 'sparkling' personality. . I'm no pollyanna but then again I don't bite either. )
I'm out of luck, it's illegal where I live and am told it's hard enough to come by.
Sigh. Oh well, wine it continues to be. ;-)

Flip Flops:
The minute I see the last snowflake melt is the very second I slap those puppies on. I'm sick sore and tired of bending over to put on boots,hikers or runners.
It takes 2 secs to slip into them and I'm out the door. Who the heck wants to bend down all the time to put on stupid footwear? Not I. Even my slippers are flip flops.
Yup. Level of laziness:

Out of the mouth of Jackasses:
"Albertans need only look in the mirror to find out who's responsible for the current financial woes"
Politicians: Can't shoot them because well. . it's illegal.

'Nuff said.
( and yes, I will complain about the heat in the dead of summer )