Sep 30, 2012

September Photo A Day

And in no particular order apparently
(as usual click to enlarge)

Sep 28, 2012

Goodbye, Sweet friend.

R.I.P Newton
He was her confidant through the years, her running partner, her warm blanket through the frozen winter months. He was her cry pillow when she shed her tears, always by her side. He was her everything.

She said good-bye to her best friend today.
Not by choice but of necessity, loving him enough to let him go.

The sadness will ease and comfort will come with the memories. Sloppy kisses he doled out free of charge, ready for his oh so favourite car rides, no matter where, no matter when. All those happy hours he spent walking with 'Papou', the fierce loving protection he had for his 'sister'.

He is in another happy place now, this beautiful creature she called 'Newton'. Chasing butterflies and running those endless fields. His tomorrows are forever and there is no more pain.

Rest in peace, my sweet friend and know there will never be another like you.

Sep 19, 2012

September's Open Letters

Dear Young Female Driver
YOU are the one who cut me off while talking on the cell phone, I gestured thumbs up and you flip me the bird? Sorry to break it to you, Sweetheart, but when you finally get that ticket, it's going to hurt. 
Karma's a mean bitch, honey, when you're being one.

Dear Husband, 
I know the grass was on the long'ish side when you came back home from a month of working out of town. But suggesting we forgo the lawnmower and hire a farmer to bale the stuff was a slight exaggeration. 

Dear Tea Wannabe Drinker,
You ordered your steeped tea with 3 cream and 3 sugar? How could you? How could you kill the magic of a cuppa tea so completely?
Respect the Tea Me

Dear Resistance Bands,
How I hate thee with every stretch and pull. One does not need weights when one is fighting against a taunt rubber band from hell.
I'll work you like a Boss yet.

Not so Dear little Shit-head from the Park,
I asked you not to swear, young children were playing in what is a 'Tot Lot'. Look up the definition. You have outgrown it by ohhh roughly 5 years. You lipped me off, I told you your mouth was going to earn you a beating in school this year. You claimed I threatened you, when I offered you my cell to call the police and/or Children services,you declined. Add Coward to what you are.
I hope your smack down ,when it comes and it will, doesn't hurt to bad, you little jerk.
Piss off Yo G-Ma.

Dear Newspaper,
I am not the grammar police, ( aren't they a pain the ass at times.. sigh ) but I just want to point out that one does not 'run away' with a bicycle, one rides away with it. Mmkay? Good.. carry on.
Your Reader.

Dear Fall Shows,
Welcome back. Me and my PVR have missed you guys.
Fall Couch Potato

Dear Food,
We can't carry on like this anymore. I think of you first thing, last thing and in the middle of the night when I can't sleep. My jeans are laughing at me and my scale is refusing my visits now.
Soon to have Animal Print Stretch pants outta control.

Sep 11, 2012