Sep 2, 2012

Musings of This, That and Other Things

Came across this today and I find it to be the epitome of the lazy 'me' society we now have the privilege (NOT) of bringing up our offspring in. Mind you, I didn't raise my girls to live the Me First Motto, a fact which they pay for in many ways. That being said, it's made them 'more' than their self absorbed generation.
But I digress.
I have a Facebook account, ( umm..who doesn't?) and along my travels within this social media giant I came across a page where our local job prospects are listed. Okay, good. This could potentially help some in their hunt for gainful employment.
Then I can across this: (quoted word for word)

I am 19 years old and looking for a full-time job. I have 2 1/2 years receptionist experience. I am looking for an office setting job. Please contact me if you would like to see my resume. '

Ummm excuse me?? You are seeking a 9 to 5 job, expecting employers to come to you?? WTF? Were you also in your pjs when you posted this? Hair and teeth not brushed? Hot cup of coffee in your lazy little hands?
What happened to the days of getting dressed, hitting the pavement and handing out resumes???
And no..back in my day I didn't walk uphill both ways to school in 4 ft of snow but holy crap! I went out and found my jobs by the sweat of my brow.

While I understand the internet is one of the ways to go about it these days, I'm not so far back as to not recognize the fact, but this?
This isn't a high profile head hunting career placement opportunity. This is a slightly higher than min. wage j.o.b.
Seriously honey.. get off your lazy self serving haven't even begun to live but we all know how far you'll go in life ass.
Then again go back to bed, you're a little on the useless side.

Hey lady? This is a library. I am looking at you sitting on the armchair talking away, loudly I might add, on your Bluetooth. Problem #1.  Problem #2- you are, and this is so the deal breaker, barefoot with both your blackish/greenish feet on the coffee table in front of us. Question: WHY are you barefoot in a very public place? And if that is how you wear your uhhh skin, I'm eternally grateful I am a heterosexual female and will never run the risk of sleeping with you. 
You, Madam, are a disgusting pig.

Seriously.. School can not start fast enough for me. Teenagers: can't hide from them, can't outrun the little..shits know-it-alls darlings.

Went out to breakfast the other morning. My fav meal of the day (morning coffee and bacon. Why hellooo purrr I'm there )  You wouldn't believe who I came across.
The man heself, Sean Connery.
I kno, right, how cool is that?!

Wellll okayyyy... not really the man himself, I mean, what would the likes of him being doing in my sleepy little town chowing down in a lowly truck stop of all places? (even if the breakfast is top notch)
But his voice was there, that low husky ohh so delicious Scottish accent. I'm telling you, if you were blindfolded you'd swear it was him.
Don't stop talking Mr Connery's Voice. Please.
He was sitting in the booth behind me and for most of the meal, I pretended to listen to my husband ( hey.. after 31 years, I know how to um.. fake it ha ha ) while I listened in shamelessly behind me. Pretending it was OMG Sean Connery. 
(I hear the man himself leaves something to be desired by hey.. I'll take the accent any day.)

What about you, my bloggy pals, what are your musings and thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I found Mr.Sean Connery in a gondola on Sunshine Ski Village a few years ago. It was almost more than I could stand...he sounded sooooooo fabulous but looked weird. I just closed my eyes and kept talking with him. HEAVEN!


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