Oct 18, 2012

Observations from my world today

I have no thinking skills after 5 pm. I'm done. Don't ask me questions or expect me to remember. Anything.
#write a sticky note or ten. On brightly colour paper with thick black permanent marker.

I have no energy after 6 pm. Don't ask me to get up off my duff, I"ll flip you the bird. Which is code for. .you guessed it, Umm, ya..HELL NO.
#unless you are bleeding profuse
ly or are on fire, I can't hearrrr youuuuu.

I have half the patience I used to be blessed with and it wasn't much to start off with. Don't test me at any point during a 24 hour time frame. It won't end pretty.
#ask the idiot salesman that knocks on my door during supper hour.

I love my children ♥, maybe more so before the hour I turn into a bitch. Which is any given hour if they bug me too much.
#g'head.try me.

I love my grand baby all to bits but she is going to put me in the loony bin within two years, give or take 12 months.
#sooner. much sooner.

I curse me not being able to have more than half a glass of wine a day. Between the hours of 3 and 5. It's 7:30 and the effects have LONG worn off.

I am seriously thinking of putting a, errr, wacky tabaky dealer on speed dial. To be able to sleep full nights, you understand. Problem is I don't smoke. Such is my desperation.
#so screwed.

Till this menopausal crap is done, I think I need to go live on an island somewhere. And be the sole inhabitant.
#reachable by smoke signals only.Might ignore you

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