Nov 4, 2012

For Today

For Today

Outside my window... 
it is a November day. Slightly cloudy with the promise of sun. Ask me what that does for me? We've barely had any sun the past month. That screws with a person's trying-to-be sunny disposition. Bad. Come out and play, Mr. Sun, before I'm permanently labelled as the world's biggest bitch grouch.

I am thinking...
of my daughter's upcoming 25th birthday. GULP! Can someone please tell me where she got the colossal nerve to turn such an age? With no warning? Ungrateful brat, can't she think of me and my feelings. . . ? 

I am thankful for...
hubby being home for a week. He's on a 24 day out, 7 day home rotation and working in the gawdforsaken middle of Nowhereville. Not like I can drive the 10 hours to go find him on a whim. When he leaves in a week again, he leaves till the 18th of December.
Oooohh . . . I believe I see retail therapy in the immediate future.

From the Kitchen...
All manner of sweet things beckon me. Problem. I can't eat sugar. Uh, big problem, I have been cheating a wee bit. Stupid Halloween's fault. I had ZERO children. Yes, you read that right. Big fat ziltch. Of course the minus whatever it was with the windchill outside didn't make for a happy Halloween for the youngsters at all.
Still. . . their faults I'm STUCK with all this chocolate now. 

I am wearing...
anything but jeans. I'm having a wee bit of a love affair with 'comfy' clothes, ponytail type of look lately. 

I am creating...
well not creating per say. I'm following a pattern. Cross stitch pattern. Purely for relaxation purposes. That and I'm making Xmas prezzies for my three girls. Hush. . . 
I am going...
to start planning my 50th bday. Pity party of 1. Don't call me, I'm ripping the stupid phone cord out of the wall. Don't email me, I'll be under the covers in complete denial.
Hey.. it's MY party, I'll cry if I want to.
( yeah, I know.. clever, right? 
(y) )   

I am reading...
PINTEREST. No need to say more.  

I am hoping... 
to win the lotto. So I don't have to hide under the covers for my bday. But you still won't be able to call. Unless you want to incur long distance charges in ohhh let's say in Little Brac? (Cayman Islands)  

I am hearing...
hubby starting to pace. I promised him buttermilk pancakes and bacon for breakfast. Guess I best hold my promise. Question is, who'll be doing the dishes?
Yeah... thought so. 

Around the house...
All the children are asleep, visions of whatever it is adult children dream of dancing in their heads. Best part is, they are sleeping elsewhere. It's just me and hubby. Boo YA! Can you hear the quiet? Ain't it grand!?!  

One of my favorite things...
Coffee.The strong stuff and preferably from Costa Rica. What a lovely caffeine buzz I'm currently riding on. Luuuv it. (y)

A few plans for the week...
No preset plans for a change. Other than Kickboxing and Full Body Workout classes. And whatever hubby has up his sleeve. 

Here is a picture I thought worth sharing...

I'm willing to drop the sweet things for this! Yummy.  


  1. That's quite the list Jamie. I need a list. And 50 isn't too bad UNTIL you have to write it on a form. Or that's what it was like for me.

    1. I think everyone, including me, are waiting to see how it'll go. There is trepidation, Teri, on everybody's part. I just have my fingers crossed it'll go than I think/thought. GULP!

  2. 50 is easy - it's only halfway! And if you really don't like it why not call it 49 or 48 ...
    You're old enough to choose your own age!

    1. Linda,
      Like Teri says above, all's well till you put in on paper. Then it makes it real.
      It's a process and I shall go through it and come out on top, like always. I'm just not quite enjoying this ride. ha ha

  3. Jamie! 50 was when I began snowboarding! It's better than 63 for me. Don't you know that jeans are today's girdles???? How to look thinner in one zipper zip. :)Rosemary


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