Sep 15, 2013

Musings of This, That and Other Things.

I can't help but squirm in my seat when I see couples openly display their relationship woes or tooth aching saccharin 'I love yous' on a social media site. I get embarrassed when one doesn't have a clue to filter what or what not to share for all to see.
( I guess I'm not a romantic?.. . or maybe just not an openly flamboyant one. I'm certainly not into PDAs, well save for the occasional quick kiss, hug or hand holding when I'm feeling lazy and need to be propelled forward. ha ha )
My husband doesn't have a facebook account or twitter, google+,Instagram or anything like that. In fact it's only till recently we've had to show him how to type in a web address. ( he's come a LONG way since then, baby!)
But I'll be damned if I ever put any argument we have or state the dumb things he does ( well, sheesh, it's not like I do dumb things lol *wink* ) or doesn't do. And if I do post something, I'll use humor as a platform and you may be sure I'm holding back 80% of what actually happened.
So it confounds me how some can openly display the TMI stuff or air out their dirty laundry for all to see/read. I always feel badly for the other person.
Marriage and it's highs/lows are, at least for me, intensely private stuff.
I'm not saying it's wrong, but it's. . .baffling.

I took down all my photographs from Facebook, save for the cover/profile photographs which are public. While it's not one incident in particular there is one that 'broke the camel's back' so to speak, lending to the decision to remove most of them.
No I'm not the next best photographer to come along. No I'm not a pro, nor do I have any intention on becoming one. Nor do I guard my photographs like security on the Hope Diamond, slapping big ass watermarks on half the picture. But I do take pride in my work and yes, it gives me faith to keep doing what I do when one takes enjoyment out of a photograph or asks to have a print of it.
I've no problem with that and it is very flattering. I've had prints go to Japan, the States and around Canada. Photography is more than holding a camera up to your eye and clicking away. Honestly, it's hard work and at my age, the sheer learning curve fries my brain at times. Let's not mention photographer's block and how much it sucks. I know, I'm in one.
Yes and I do realize that once it's on the net, it's a free for all. ( to a certain degree) I get that.
Seriously though, since the only people I share my photographs with on FB are friends the key word here would be: Ask.
It's just a respectful thing to do.

Holy shit, someone better tell the head of the Menopause committee to hook up with Mother Nature PDQ and cool things down just a wee bit heat wise. How does one survive summers with disgustingly high temps? It's been ugly hot and I just don't think I'm going to make it. I'm going to melt down to a pile of miserable yuck.
( wait two/three months, I'll be bitching about the ugly cold. There's just NO making me happy till I'm through the fracking change I think. Feel sorry for my husband. Hell I do )

I swear on my sanity right here, right now if that boy of mine doesn't buy new alarm clocks ( he has two set up. His main one and a back up ) I'm going to open the window within the next couple of nights and fire those loud ticking mechanical time tellers.
They drive me mad at 2 am when I'm woken up by the, 'TICK TOCK TICK TOCK TICK TOCK' And here's the mister, flat on his back snoring to wake the dead.
I'm on sleep aids, for the love of all that matters. I should be waking up. At all.
I can feel it, I'm going to crack soon. Or those 2 alarm clocks will. In half.

Well, Peeps, that's it. I'm done with the tattoo removal process. I decree it so. After seven sessions, I am calling 'Uncle'. I have a ridiculously high pain tolerance level but I reached my limits. He ramped the laser up higher every time ( not blaming him, he had to do it ) due to some stubborn black and it hurt on a whole new level every time. This last one was a doozy. :(
The good news is it's 96% gone. Higher percentage now after this last session and over time it'll   fade to nothing. I consider myself very lucky, I had a top rated tattoo removal specialist, with top of the line equipment and he did an amazing job. No scarring. Expensive but worth it.( don't ask, it's jaw dropping.) I am one of the lucky ones at 7 sessions, there are some that reach 13/14 sessions and the tat's not gone. I guess my body wanted it gone as much as I did. :) 
1 1/2 years later I am done! WOOT!
And no, I'm not after getting any more tattoos. Ever. I have a small one that's a keeper, that's good enough for me. ( The one I had removed covered a portion of my middle back, extending to above the shoulder blades.You want a tender spot, try that area ) If you google the coloured 'pain' map of getting a tattoo, you'll see the back is one of the highest spots. And getting tats removed rates five times that in pain. Ouch! Be sure of your tats, Peeps, that's all I gotta say.

Ok, 'nuff stuff shared tonight. I was quite 'chatty' by the looks of this. A rare moment indeed. I've neglected this blog, trying to muster up some stuff to post but it's been a stretch.
The way I figure it is: it's better to write posts when I actually have something to say, rather than 'fluff' and incredibly boring  crap some bloggers post just to say they have.

Yeah, you're welcome for that. 

Bedtime. Hmmm he doesn't work tomorrow, maybe I'll bury his stupid alarm clocks under the twenty pair of boxers he owns.
( call him a pack rat, you wouldn't be wrong. )

Night all.


  1. Have you and your hubby used the "Breath Right" nasal strips to help eliminate snoring? We used them years ago when they first came out. Stopped using them when they pulled a strip of skin off his nose. Well....years past. We had forgotten the pain. A sample came in the mail. We tried it. SUCCESS. THEY WORK!!!! New and improved and they work. My advise is unsolicited but free!

    1. LOL@unsolicited. ( by appreciated nevertheless )
      Yeah, we went that route before and he didn't like them much but it would be worth a try again, if they are new and improved.
      Thanks for the head's up, Rosemary :-)


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