Oct 16, 2013

Flickr-On the Edge of Canada, Eh. ( Vancouver Island Oct 2013 )

My week on Vancouver Island- Oct 2013 on Flickr

Vancouver Island October 2013


  1. Wow! what changed????? It was quite an ordeal to get to this comment box! Now, what was I going to say? ummm... great photos, as always. I like how you got down and dirty to get the ones of the toadstools, and the shot of the sea biscuit was surprisingly fun from that new angle. Good work, Jamie.

    1. I'm not sure what's up with the comment box, Rosemary? I haven't changed anything. . ?

      Glad you liked the photographs and getting down and dirty with the subject is a workout in itself. Take it from me! lol


Most times I'll respond back here. Sometimes I"ll answer back via email. Situation depending.