Aug 6, 2015

On this that and the other.

On someone has WAY too much time on their hands:

I belong to a Rant and Rave page in my neck of the redneck woods. I have nothing against rednecks but throw a gamer in the mix with nothing but time on his hands and well. . 'Huston, we have a problem'.
Reader's Digest version:
I found a little well loved stuffie that belonged to what was probably a very sad sad little human being. So being the smart alecky I'm known to be at rare times ( Haha )  I posted a Rant and Rave on which I 'ranted' in the voice of the stuffie lamenting I was very sad to be lost from my family and 'raved' that a really nice lady (me ) found me and we were going on an adventure.
So basically in the format of what is expected on that page.
BOOM! I was instantly deleted.
I voiced my objection saying sometimes it's just about a little kid and their stuffie.  BOOM! I was deleted again. What followed was this interchange via email.
( I want points for holding back against this. . admin. . He is the gamer I am talking about who needs to probably get outside more. Or get a sheen of maturity on him. But he is the admin and I had to play the political game. Up to a point. )
Note: I deleted my last name and I changed his name to *Admin. ( which is really nice of me given I had the choice to name him whatever I wanted to. *wink*


  • *Admin
    Sorry that a little kid lost his toy but we do delete lost and found ads.

  • Jamie Provençal
    7/26, 11:53am
    It was a rant and rave, Alden. And I posted it as such.

    At times, you yourself veer so far off what is the rant and rave but as an admin you get pick and choose I guess.

    And you had NO business deleting the last rant. As it was just that, a rant. You have to take the good with the bad on your page, Mr. Administrator.

    Do you go deleting all posts about asshole drivers. No Do you go deleting all posts about ANYTHING that isn't business related. No.

    But hey. . you have control of the page. So. . control away.

  • Alden Gushnowski
    7/26, 11:55am
    I delete a lot of stuff. You should apply to be an admin if you think its an easy job.

  • Jamie Provençal
    7/26, 11:59am
    Did I say it was easy in any part of this correspondence?
    No, I did not. And no thanks.

    I did, however, make a point of saying there is no consistency on that page at any given time. And again, you should NOT have deleted my rant against your decision to delete my post. If famous people can read 'mean tweets' about themselves then the Rant And Rave page should be able to handle a rant against a decision made. It's a part of the nature of the beast.

  • Alden Gushnowski
    7/26, 12:01pm
    Sorry we are not able to meet your online Rant and Rave needs. We will strive to do better.

  • Jamie Provençal
    7/26, 12:05pm
    While I try to remain polite and state my case, you've changed the tone and colour of this correspondence by your last response.
    I can read sarcasm a mile away as I invented the language itself. Carry on your day with your extremely difficult job of policing the page and I shall continue on with the freedom of mine.

    Good day to you *Admin

  • Alden Gushnowski
    7/26, 12:06pm
    Thank you.

  • ***
  • The funniest part of it all is I did manage to connect the stuffie and it's VERY happy owner ( the cutest little 4 yr old girl with the biggest grin on her face )  back together via another fb site The next day on the Rant & Rave fb page someone posted a 'Huge kudos on the lady that cared enough to bring the two together again' to which many 'likes' were given. 

Here's the picture of the lost stuffie and the 'adventure' we went on.
Alls well that ends well but no thanks to the smart mouth little gamer needing a life admin.

On Facebook Statuses:

So given the absolute stupidity of people I come across as of late (and I really don't understand why this is happening to me but hey. . wine. ) I want kudos for not posting the statuses I want to on Facebook. My restraint is to be greatly commended. Truth be told I'd probably shock you all with what I would like to say and you all know me . . I always try the truth through humour.
And besides, there's enough stoopid and drama via FB, I am not adding to it. So I'll save you all and suffer the stoopid in silence.

On Memory. Or lack thereof:

iCal. (cell phone calendar app for you non iPhone people) I'm going to start entering the same event in 3 different time frames. I am constantly changing stuff. I'm either too damn lazy to get off the couch to do what I need to at the given reminder time or I'm no where near where I need to be to get it done.
Take for instant the 'fix up curry for Theresa' reminder. ( I have the authentic stuff I'm willing to share with my mother-in-law as she loves it as much as me )  Twice now, I've changed it and just as recent as a half hour ago when I was fighting the urge to nap. To which I won't. Nap that is. I'll be sorry for it when the clock chimes bloody midnight and I'm wide awake. So I've changed the reminder to tomorrow when I'll undoubtedly be miles away from that curry or I'll be involved in something else. Or I'll be napping happily away.
But again, why do I bother entering stuff in there?
Well. . because I have shit for memory and am unable to remember squat on my own steam. At least this way I eventually get to it by the 5th reminder change or a couple of weeks from now.

On a random awesome moment in a day:

Back story, Reader's Digest Version. - Brought my vehicle in to get fixed. Got a courtesy ride there and back from Alex.
Started chatting and found out he's going to propose to his boyfriend next Friday. ( and by the way the saying is true- All the drop dead flippin' gorgeous ones are gay, Alex is proof positive of that. )
I taught him how to say a line or two in french to his his soon to be husband as he is french like me.
Looks like he is going to incorporate into his proposal.
How awesome is that, I ask you :-D
Yeah. . that awesome!
Happy forever after, boys, wishing you the best from this day forward. xo

On the People of Walmart:

So not all 'People of Walmart' there are ahhhh different. < use your own adjective, I'm trying to be kind and it's a stretch at times Haha >
I was standing in line with a wee wisp of a beautiful older woman behind me. As I have this affinity for old people.
( I don't know why, I've always been challenged to 'turn their frowns upside down' and I happen to think they know wayyyy more than we do. So well. . Respect. )
I struck up a conversation with while I helped load her things onto the conveyer belt. Turns out she's going to be 90 years young in a couple of weeks. She's not happy about it, seems the number 90 isn't sitting well with her. But hey, here she here on her own steam and doing her own groceries.  Her husband is  a) still alive! and b) he's mostly blind & deaf from polio. No joke why this woman is self sufficient.
As I was leaving I turned to her asking if she would accept a birthday hug. Her face broke in a mile wide smile and holding out her arms she enveloped me in a hug only a grandmother ( in her case a great grandmother ) can.
Yup. I'll take that over a high 5 from someone half my age. Or my age. Or famous. Or infamous. Whatever.
Because within that hug were words that didn't need a voice and those are just the best kind. .

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