Jul 8, 2011

Musings of This, That and Other Things.

I braved the scale the other morning, I hadn't stepped on that thing in months. I use my clothes as a scale and wasn't getting major red flag warnings but I knew I wasn't where I had left my weight back last year.
I have a good bead on my body, I understand its warnings, stress being a major weight gain factor. I've had my share of it the last three years which is when my weight started to slide.
I'm not talking about major amounts but I am short, 5'2.5" ( I'll hang on to that 1/2 inch thank you very much ) and small chested. Big chested women have the illusion of smaller tummies due to the ..imbalance, if you will. 
So I pay for and show every pound I put on.
I blinked several times when I got on the scale, it showed me a number five pounds off from my lowest. I got off and on again. Same number. Why hello there, I'll take that number! 
At the end of the day it comes down to choices. Take it from me, some of them suck big time. 
Like watching people eat cheesecake, doughnuts and desserts without guilt, chomping down on calorie ladened yummy foods at will, maybe drinking a few beers at the end of the day... once upon a time, I could do that and more.  
Now my life consists of working out when that's the last thing I want to do, cardio that makes me sweat, weights that make me hurt. 
BUT moments like the one on the scale or being able to slip on a favorite pair jeans at the beginning/middle and end of 'that time of the month' makes those choices worth it. 
And believe it or not me having small boobs is one of my biggest motivators.

I went through my Facebook list a couple of days ago. I do this about every six months, trying to clean it up. I never was one to do the 'popularity' thing on this social media site, I follow very selectively. I have a steadfast rule. No bosses or co-workers, I've deleted both. Live and learn and I did. I follow a few news media personalities, some authors and many high school Alumni from 30 years back. I don't think my girls have issues with their mother on their friends list, they are adult women now, long gone the teenage years where defiance was a way of life.
I like my list, it's not a popularity list of show and tell but it is a list of those who interest me, those who matter. 
However, I will cop to following a couple for drama purposes. I stay away from anything drama related in my life if I can help it but like a reality show on TV, sometimes it's fun to be on the outside looking in. So along with keeping in touch on FB, there is that small entertainment factor. 
And I'm ok with that. I know who's in my house of Facebook and who I look out the window at.

Going 'home' for a visit and very much looking forward to it. This time I'm taking my eldest daughter along for the ride,she's wanting to retouch base with her beginnings. Sadly, and it is a deep down sadness, my youngest isn't coming. Reasons I understand but nevertheless, it'll be different there without the both of them,I very much wanted to 'show off' both my beauties. 
I am looking forward to touching base with my sisters, one of them a first time mother. I get to hang out my parents again, maybe visit some of my old haunts. I want to see it through my daughter's eyes for a change. I'm hoping for a coffee meet with some of my besties. We'll catch up on the last five/six/seven years. Time goes by quickly at this point in our lives, catching up with old friends means the last decade in some cases. 
Yup, going to be a good trip back. 
I just really wish my youngest would of come.

What about you, my bloggy pals, what are your musings of the day?


  1. I'm holding on to a thin strand of hope that when I dig my scale out of the boxes still packed, I will witness a similar surprise. Alas, my "choices" have not been as great. That said, I do have a plan of action and will get back to it this summer...and today will mark three days of working out this week. Yay me.

    I'm excited for your trip home, but also understand your sadness. Hope the emotions balance out to provide a much needed break.

  2. Dawn, it was a complete surprise. I've been stagnant for so long.
    Yayyy @ your picking up your workouts again, I know what that does for a body.. mentally, physically and emotionally.
    So looking forward to the break!


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