Sep 16, 2011

For Today

For Today

Outside my window...
I see clouds, winds and a setting sun. I see summer fading.

I am thinking...
hard. And yes, it hurts. ppffhhtt  

I am thankful for...
my girls, the changes they are currently going through, the strength they show tackling things head on. They done growed up on me.

From the Kitchen...
I see the remnants of yet another successful supper. I also see my daughter clearing up the mess. ( okay okay, I asked her to clean up in a way that wasn't really a question, ha ha ) 

I am wearing...
loose clothes, I pre-monthly, bloated and damn bitchy. Deal. 

I am creating...
not a whole lotta nufins. I am even having trouble blogging. What gives? 

I am going...
to get hubby to take me out tonight for a coffee, in a quiet coffee shop, away from a very energetic 3 1/2 yr old, I call 'Uncle!' She wins . lol

I am reading...
an old favorite trilogy. Can't start on my new book, hubby just got home from the pipeline and if I start it, I'll flat out ignore the boy. He wouldn't be overly happy, me thinks. 

I am hoping...
for eight solid hours sleep. I'm begging the sleep gods to look down upon my sorry self gifting me with this simple, albeit self serving wish. 8 hours. That's all..

I am hearing...
the TV blaring,the grandchild bouncing off the walls and the freakin' dog barking outside. At nothing. I'm slapping a 'For Sale' sign on his neck and tying him to the corner light post. If he's not gone in one hour, I'm taking the sharpie, scratching out 'for sale' and putting ' FREE'. 

Around the house...
is the beautiful sheen of a house just cleaned. Lol, hell don't look at me, I didn't do it.  

One of my favorite things...
is sitting on the computer chair, spinning fast enough to turn my stomach, singing about cats, dogs and dinosaurs. ( what happened to the days when I was a figure skater and could spin faster than any carnival ride??)  

A few plans for the week...
Making like a couch potato in the evenings, the fall season premieres of my shows. One of my favorite weeks of the year. I know.. I'm a loser with no social life. 

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...

Did I make you look twice?


  1. Jamie...this is Karen J. I wish I had the time or the know how to do a page like this. My world goes too fast. I am rewriting my diaries from high school as I had a flood and they were did we party. If you are interested I will forward some days if u would like to read them...good for a ya Karen (Jack)

  2. Karen, I emailed you. Hope you got it. If not, YES! I would love anything and everything you care to share with me :-)


Most times I'll respond back here. Sometimes I"ll answer back via email. Situation depending.