Sep 4, 2011

Waiting for...what?

She was at a loss most days. Walking around waiting <searching?> for... something. She haven't the foggiest as to what it was. Her life was on hold, caught between act 2 and act 3 with an intermission that wouldn't end.
Wandering the four corners of her world, suspended in limbo with no anchor or paddle. This was not a new situation but this time there was no map to help steer her in a direction, any direction. Not that it would help anyways, she could never tell east from west, north from south. Her husband couldn't fantom it, a never ending source of frustration for him. If he were to be put in the middle of a different land, he would find his way about, driving the 'wrong' side of the road. It would of been nice to have that ability but she wasn't around the day they handed out the memo.

Her children were grown, her house too big. Wandering about in it the quiet was deafening at times, yet a cherished balm after the kids had come to visit. Couldn't have it both ways, she knew.

So why did it seem Life was marching on without her, had it forgotten her part in the years she'd been in it? 
It wasn't playing fair, waking up day after day with a purpose watching as she searched, questioned..trying to find the damn answers. Where had her Life Plan doc. gone? It might not have been full but there had been a haphazard bullet form list, even a diagram if  she was so lucky.

Looking for signs, it was obvious she was unable form a plan or make decisions as of late.
Waiting, confused as to why, not liking the feeling of being lost, out of sorts. She always had purpose and now it was as if there was none. How many times in this lifetime would she have to step back and look for herself? Where and at what point did one get lost like this? It was a frustrating search when she disappeared. As a child hide and go seek was never her favorite game, there was always things to do, places to go, people to see. Why take time and look for..something?
Wondering who called the game she could do nothing but bide by the rules.

The world was getting on with it's own Life Plan but where did that leave her while she sat there waiting <searching?>...
for something.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading this post. It reminded me of all the people who sit alone in the nursing home everyday waiting for someone or something... they are lost.


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