Oct 27, 2011

For Today

For Today

Outside my window...
I see darkness. The sun is rising after me these days, lazy thing. 

I am thinking...
of this blog. How uninspired I have been with it lately. How I have to remember why I started it in the first place. For me.

I am thankful for...
waking up and realizing it was just a dream. Sometimes. Sometimes, I'd like to stay on that tropical island I own or keep my superpowers or keep talking to the wolves. ( Hey, it's my dream world, I'll do what I wanna. )

From the Kitchen...
I've been chained to the stove cooking up a storm. Apparently when one leaves for a week the masses suffer home cooking withdrawals. ( <--- I have NO idea how long I've been misspelling that word. ) 

I am wearing...
clothes. Seriously, this question gets long in the tooth sometimes. Many I should write what I'd like to be wearing..? Like clothes two sizes smaller. Yeah, there ya go.  

I am creating...
I am not creating. I HAVE created. A 2012 calendar with my photographs of 2011. My family will bloody well hang up their calendars  up wether they want to or not. Pffhhtt ;-) 

I am going...
out for supper tonight. Out for coffee Friday AM. And out for breakfast Saturday AM. Then I'm holing back up, that's a boatload of socializing.. for me. 

I am reading...
the start of the end. It's a story line I've been following for 10 years now. Like a series finale, this story will come to a close after this 3rd installment. It has been an emotional run for these three characters but exciting to be getting the answers after all this time. 

I am hoping...
to get out and find that elusive curling iron I've been searching for. My hair makes more sense with a little bit of effort. That'll be a first on my end. What's next? Flippin make up? 

I am hearing...
the furnace going. I'm going to have to remember to buy tub fulls of moisturizer. The heating dries me out like a pond in the Sahara Desert. Poo.

Around the house...
I hear nothing. I see nothing. I speak the truth when I say ' Peace and quiet, baby!'  

One of my favorite things...
is going back 'home' to be someone's daughter and sister again. To have zero responsibility for a bloody short week if only for a little while. Coming back home, trying to jump back to everything..not so much. Takes me a week of chasing my own tail  to get into the flow again. 

A few plans for the week...
meeting awesome friends, catching up with their lives. Waiting for Halloween to be flippin' done and over with. Yup, you caught on.. I don't like it. 

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...
(pardon the fuzziness

OCD much? My sister's can labels must all face forward. I messed with her after this picture.  

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