Apr 1, 2012

For Today

For Today

Outside my window...
the biggest April Fool's joke. Snow. You know.. that disgusting white crap that's supposed to be long freaking gone. Grrrr

I am thinking...
about the Lion , The Witch and The Wardrobe. I want a wardrobe like that. One I can program where I want to go, get there and throw away the key.  

I am thankful for...
my hubby, my kids. No one reads me better than them.  

From the Kitchen...
I smell the fried tofu sandwiches my daughter is making for lunch. Don't judge, it smells really good actually.  

I am wearing...
warm freakin' clothes because Mother Nature's being nasty today. Freaking bitch.  

I am creating...
a photo file on HDR. (High Dynamic Range) Feeling my way, eyeballing what looks good all without the benefit of Photoshop. There are still some neat effects working with Aperture.   

I am going...
to go brave the snow. I have to exchange my Stylus pen. The one my lil spitfire bit and split the rubber part. I'm going to lie like a cheap rug to exchange it for a new one. Sue me.

I am reading...
Nothing. I haven't read in a month. It saddens me and breaks my heart. Sigh.

I am hoping...
I don't have to change the dates for my trip (read sanity retriever) for a 3rd time. Suffice it to say I will not be happy or amused or even remotely resembling a human should this happen.   

I am hearing...
the voices in my head. If you stand close enough to my ear you can hear the echo. Shhh, did you hear that? It told you to get the fack off my planet.

Around the house...
I see shoes everywhere. Four females living in this house, you do the math.

One of my favorite things...
is that moment just before I fall asleep. Where I stop hearing the noises of the house and I start entering a dream state. 

A few plans for the week...
Not to sure what's on tap for this week. Preparing for the Easter feast. Shoe, purse, wallet, clothes shopping maybe. But I'm flexible. I might take a hike along the river. 

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...

That's my girl! A real water baby, like I was/am. :-)


  1. Reading nothing in a month...that makes me sad, too :-(
    I wasn't happy about mother nature this morning either. What the heck is up with that? What happened to in like a lion, our like a lamb?

    1. It didn't come in like a lion, hon. More like a baby cub if you remember.

  2. Here I am in Alberta, April 18th and it is still snowing!!! Hubby says my tulips are up and in full bloom back in Ontario, but I haven't been there since December.... The last month has been a real roller coaster for me and mine. A new baby is expected in just 5 more days (C-section date) and so more emotional onslaughts are expected. I'd like to go back to my lovely boat in the islands and just veg-out for another month!

    I'm into the 5th volume of the Song of Ice and Fire by George Martin. Where does he get all the words???????

    1. Rosemary,
      You are preaching to the choir, Sunshine. I'm Albertan. I saw snow this morning. Because you know.. why would we have a nice spring after an awesome winter...?

      Sound like you have a full plate with baby on the way. ( Congrats if you are going to be a G-Ma! )

      I WANT to be on that boat right along side of you, I must confess. And although I've never read G.Martin, I'd give it a go if I was on the islands. :-)

      Hang in and hope the delivery goes without a hitch. GIve baby a wee little nuzzle and snuggle.. how I love newborns. ( someone else's of course. Ha Ha )


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