Apr 21, 2012

Musings of This, That and Other Things.

Ok, I'm calling 'Uncle' on these crazy last few months. No time for writing, no time for reading. In fact I have a stack of magazines three months in, still wrapped in their plastic coats.
I don't even have a conventional 'job'. Frig.
I might have time to catch up in,oh sayyy...six months?
Or I could barricade myself in my room with two days worth of food & liquid refreshment of various kinds. Walk in bathroom to boot? I'd be set, peeps.
This is starting to look like a fabulous idea hmmm.

My husband bought me the new iPad, it's a fun fun toy but you'd'a thunk it belonged to my youngest daughter. If I go anywhere she almost goes through my stuff to see if I'm leaving the house with it. 'Draw Some' just isn't the same on a cell apparently. :-/  But let her be warned, the first time I come across it with a dead battery it the last time that little chickie will have enjoyed it.

My eldest just got accepted into University. Six years after graduating high school. Hey, I jumping for joy! I went back to school at 40. I'm ecstatic and my reaction was large. No help to her who's freaked out as she doesn't accept change well. ( I used to be like that, I get it ) I can't tell her how fast this will go, how easily she'll fit into this world. She's got intelligence to spare, an insatiable need to learn and a never ending quest to be challenged. Yeah.. she's entering an AWESOME period in her life.

Speaking of.. my youngest is starting to study for her GED. Can I tell you how proud AND excited I am??  I've been waiting a long time for this. I will do everything I can to help her get it. Doors will open for this child of mine, doors that were previously closed to her. ( although I will argue the need for a H.S. diploma, life is anything/everything but what you learn in high school. It teaches you through the School of Life's Lessons/Hard Knocks. )

I am equally proud of the decisions both these girls have taken steps to realize. I will enjoy the feeling of contentment that is seeping in.
For myself I will start looking to see what my next challenge is, I'm so ready for it. :-)

Went to Vancouver Island last week. (if you are a regular reader you'll know by my photographs) A couple things struck me. The demographics is that of a much older generation. Two, they're crazier drivers than youngsters with a souped up piece of crap. Speed postings are just a suggestion with them. 20/30 kms over is the norm.
But I do know I won't ever move there, even if there's no winters. ( sighhhh I dream of living somewhere with no winters. ) It's too ... what's the word I'm looking for here... urban, for one.. too windy. Holy shit, I get sick of the spring winds here, it's some wicked and non ending there. That being said, it does have it's own stunning beauty, as does most parts of my country. It's just  not for me.

And while on said island , standing in queue at a quaint little coffee shop, the conversation went something like this:

Me to the man in front who came in with two other friends/co-workers: You might want to tell your friend his fly all the way down and disappeared. Not that I care if that's how he swings but I don't think he's aware.
Man, really loudly : Hey Buddy, your fly's down. The little lady here's looking where she's not supposed to.
Me, turning awesome shades of red, smacking his arm : Are you FRIKKEN kidding me. Omg you JERK.
I started laughing as did the entire freakin' to the door line up.
Buddy, after fixing his, err, wardrobe malfunction quips: Now, sugar, just where are you lookin' anyways?
Me: Where ever the eye draws. And you were presenting quite the silhouette.

Yup, got a free coffee. :-P

I decided to start a photo file titled 'Best of 700'. It's a joke really. ( aimed at me. Yes, I can and do laugh at myself. On a flippin' regular basis too.)  I can take a ridiculous amount of photographs and be only satisfied with a few. My eldest joked with me the other day how I can take an enormous amount of photographs go home, edit and end up happy with about six of them.
Shit. Piss. Fack. She's right.
I seem to be my worst critic.

What about you, my bloggy pals, what are your musings/thoughts?


  1. Jamie, what a cool post. Congrats to the Girls. Hilarious free coffee story. I am almost NEVER satisfied with my photos and dump nearly all of them too. I guess things won't change until I get super serious and learn how to understand and use my camera for all it's worth. Have a great week.

    1. Rosemary, there are many great tutorials on the web if you need help with your camera. One of the key factors in learning it is to have it with you everywhere. And don't be afraid to push different buttons! To me , it's the best way to learn. :-)


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