Jun 15, 2012

For Today

For Today

Outside my window...
I am waiting for day to turn to night. I'm tired. I'm stressed. I have no chocolate, I don't smoke and it's too late to drink. Frack.

I am thinking...
about not thinking. Or rather over thinking. Whaddaya think?
 (Am I not just too funny sometimes I ask you. Ok, I'm not really asking you, it's rhetorical )

I am thankful for...
the utter quiet I hear right at this very moment. Of course you know I jinxed it by typing that out, right?    

From the Kitchen...
I know there's freakin' chocolate squirrelled away somewhere. By one or both of my daughters who refuse to share with me. Greedy little witches. 
* Note to self: Call the lawyer and change the will first thing.*

I am wearing...
my apron. Still. Am I not the epitome of laziness tonight. 

I am creating...
macro photographs. I love getting in-your-face close to things. So remember that if you ever decide you want to piss me off. Purposely or for sport. :-)  

I am going...
to check myself into the loony bin soon. Just for a break with free lodgings, you understand. Yup, Ya Ya Sisterhood had a good idea there.
God I love that movie. 

I am reading...
Don't even ask me what I'm reading. Like water in the Sahara, my reading time is non-existent. Unless you count reading food labels or the back of the shampoo bottle when I'm in the bathroom.. then hey! I'm well read.

I am hoping...
I actually enjoy my high school reunion. ( you guess the years, I'm in denial )  I really want to have a good time. I have no idea why I'm dreading it.

I am hearing...
the sounds of my town settling in for the evening. It's the kind of night where the coyotes will howl. Which suits me just fine, I'm in the mood to howl myself. You game? On the count of three..?

Around the house...
Runs a 4 year old bouncing off the walls. I would too if I had ingested three sugar loaded cupcakes. 

One of my favorite things...
is having someone awake before me (read hubby) fixin' my first cup of coffee. Which won't happen tomorrow morning or the next foreseeable mornings.He's out of town and I have to get up and make it myself. Sigh.

A few plans for the week...
Sleep. Eat. Drink Wine. Priorities in check. How about yours?

Here is a picture I thought worth sharing...


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