Jun 4, 2012

Banish thee from my home.

Things I wish were not in my house.

-The inventor should be banished to a remote island with every last copy of that stupid game. But then again he/she can probably afford to buy the fracking island now.

Cats and Dogs.
-Puke, hair balls and poop. There has to be more to life, there just has to.

Toys smaller than a fat rat.
- Guaranteed I will step on it and teach my 4 yr old lil spitfire words she's not quite ready to learn.

-The devil's food. It tempts you into submission and puts you at it's beck and call.

Refrigerator with two doors side by each.
-Useless as freaking football bat. I have one. I hate it. Hate it. Hate it.

A gazillion material grocery bags.
-Seriously. I keep forgetting them and buying more. I have enough for three families. With six members each.

A doorbell with a four year old living in the house.
-She knows it sends the blasted dogs barking. She does it for entertainment. Personally I think she's plotting the demise of my sanity.

A sump pump.
- It'll be a cold day in hell when I look in that deep hole to see if it's working properly. I know what happens, something evil in there lurks..waiting to grab me by the throat and devour me.

A kitchen table.
-I mean, what for??? It's just a flat surface for everyone's crap. We never eat on it. Ever. There's no room to.

A Premenopausal woman
-A danger to those that live under the same roof. In my case that's 2 daughters, 1 grand daughter, two dogs & two cats. Hubby's a frikken coward. He saves his ass by going away to work for 2 or 3 weeks at a time, leaving said premenopausal women with the whole damn enchilada.

A shortage of wine.
- Refer to above statement.

So, my bloggy pals, what shall we banish from your house?


  1. AnonymousJune 04, 2012

    too funny!!!i have no words!!!

    1. Anon,you know what they say.. a laugh a day. :-D

  2. banish from my house? haha, that would be my HOUSE GUEST!

    1. Teri, you have the entire clan living at your house. WHO moved/mooched in??!

  3. Good one!
    Clutter/too much stuff - please come and banish them!

    1. Lol@Karen. Did you read the part about my two girls moving back in? That would be two ADULT girls, each with Their own appartment's worth of stuff. Let's talk clutter, shall we ...? *wink*


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