Mar 8, 2013

What's with the the pigeon and statue moments?

I hope Spring comes soon. There's some cranky ass people out there and guess who they are aiming their arrows at. . WTH is with all you bad mood Bessies??
Here's a FYI, I ain't a pigeon's statue. Go poop elsewhere.

Hey, do you have a 'HI NORMMM!!' place? Good ol' Norm Peterson from Cheers, eh.
Mine is a truck stop where hubby and I stop for breakfast when he's got one of his rare days off. There's a kick ass sarcastic as shit waitress with a rockin' sense of humour, unsurpassed wit and a faster than quick draw McGraw retort delivered with a F U smirk. God I love this one. And the feeling is mutual by the looks of it. A HUGE loud greeting from her with a well placed insult that sets the place laughing.
I deliver back just as quick as it's expected and I'm not one to let anybody down.
She's a hard workin' single mother who hasn't let life beat her down, all kinds of awesome in a short package.
Come the day I ever win the lotto,(any damn lotto, I'm not fussy) she's probably the third one I'd go see with check in hand. I made this promise to her and she knows well I'd carry through.
Yeah. . . I hope you have this kind of place and people in your life, it sets the rotted parts to rights.

Last year the town I live in changed the placement of garbage pick up, from the front of the house to the back. They supplied us with green and black garbage bins as well as introducing a food scrap bucket which I applaud. Loudly.
The problem with the switch is most everyone leaves those unsightly black garbage bins right at the end of their driveways.Really? Why??
How many descriptives can I use in calling this ugly? In the winter garbage is picked up every two weeks, can you imagine how some are full to over flowing? Not everyone recycles.
I hate it. Out of a row of ten houses on each side I am maybe one of two that take the bins back and place them along side the house.
Come on, lazy asshats, I don't like living next to you any more than you to me but have a sliver of pride in your surroundings already.

We all have our roads we walk on, we all have our good/bad and ugly moments, agreed? So why oh why do you have to bite my head off because I'm not where you are emotionally? I'm sorry you lost or are losing your loved ones. News flash, I lost/am losing some too. But I didn't/don't take my grief out on you, ever. Respect me back that way too, mmkay?

"God is GOOD"
Yeah, I agree BUT honey. . but NOT only when you get money given to you. From strangers. For whining.
It's the ONLY time you bring up His name.
Tsk Tsk Tsk.

True story, Bro!
I was out to supper with my Sugar Daddy last weekend, ( to those of you who don't know me in RL, it's a pet name I have for my husband of 32 years. I reserve the right.) and as always I pay a visit to the powder room after. I'm in the stall and I hear a shriek following by some very colourful language coming from the general area of the sink. Stuff like this makes me laugh,which I did.
She tells me to stay away from the sink of the left, the water was shooting up, down and horizontally. She's wet and sure when I stepped out of the stall it looked like she had not made it to the stall on time.
True to form, I laughed again, quickly washed my own hands in the other sink and told her I had her back.
I had her follow me closely from behind while getting her to give me directions to her table. No one was any the wiser and she made it back embarrassment free.
Leaving my own table on the way out she stopped me, thanking me again and we shared another quick laugh. It struck me then and there the sisterhood women easily share.
I don't ever see a couple of guys doing that for each other. Ever.

Anyhow, my peeps, tomorrow's a new day, one day closer to that elusive Spring we are ALL ready for.
And will someone please do a nekked dance out there to scare Ol' Man Winter away? I'd do it but the the SOB would probably bring on an instant snowstorm to cover my sorry ass up!

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I can read here that you need your Spring NOW!
    But we still love over summer over here...

    Thanks for making me laugh :D


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