Mar 4, 2013

On the business of. .

 (Google image)

On the business of some not so nice people.

-The person that calls another out publicly in lieu of privately. Without all the facts. To what avail? To what outcome? To what purpose??

-The neighbour that will have the Karma bus make a special stop for. Will bide my time. As the saying goes ' it's gonna be suuweeet '.

-The Holier than thou Christian spouting hate messages. Against homosexuality. Do you work for Remax? Are you above the crowd? What gives you the right??

-The idiot that said breast feeding in public is disturbing. Oh really now. And I suppose our breasts are solely there for your entertainment and pleasure? Reality check, Colossal Asswipe. They are primarily there to nourish the babies we carry for nine months, willingly ruin our bodies for and lose sleep till we're dead and gone for.

-Stupid people. I go to great lengths to avoid them so why is it every time I go out, I cross paths with one? It then serves to test all my abilities to act with decorum in public and I value not drawing attention to myself there. Because you know. . . the stupid people do it on a daily basis.

On the business of Canada.

-Yes we are polite. Don't say it like it's a bad thing. We know you are laughing at us for it but, really, the joke's on you. We pick our battles to fight, this isn't one of them. I'll let you in on a secret, we actually like being labelled as such.

-Our pride is as strong as yours but we are perhaps able to better see outside our boundaries at the fascinating land/peoples around us. Having said this, we've got our own beauty around us. In abundance. And we enjoy it to the max.

-It's weird when you 'borrow' our flag and sew it on to your luggage or backpacks. In truth, you don't get away with it much, there are tell tale signs that mark us as Canadians. Hard to explain, you have to be one to know what I mean.

-On the other hand, it's comical to hear you try to say 'Eh'. We're not laughing AT you, really. It just tickles our funny bone. After all we have an amazing sense of humour, eh. ;-)

-Come on, admit it, you like our beautiful country. You're just perhaps embarrassed (shy?) to publicly admit it in your neck of the woods for fear of reprisal? I like you, ( well most of you)  I'm not shy to say it.

On the business of Photography.

-It takes more than a simple click of the button. It takes math, preparation, forthought and afterthought  It takes hours and hours of reading/learning/experimenting. It takes commitment and a creative flair helps.

-It takes a love of the art of photography to reach a deep satisfaction. One does not have to be a professional or make money at it. In fact chances are you will not be ready to quit your day job for years to come. One might just be happy making it a hobby perhaps.

-Given all this, when another enjoys the 'fruits of one's labour' give creedence. We are not necessarily looking for an ego boost but a pat on the back or a nod in our general direction goes a long way to vindicating all the hard work put forth.

-Honestly, the best compliments come from other photographers as does the best constructive crits.

-On that subject, learn the different between petty criticism and constructive criticism. One is good, the other a waste of time and energy.

-You will learn your niche. Hone it, own it. But don't stop exploring other avenues.

-The days you leave your camera at home is the days you will smacking yourself upside the head. I know this as fact.

On the business of TV Shows:

- Elementary. It's funny, it's quirky and the two main characters have an interestingly different dynamic.

-Big Bang Theory. The day this one ends will be the day I feel like I felt when 'M.A.S.H' ended. 'Nuff said.

-Grimm. I'm not into all those gore shows or vampire/zombies themed shows and the acting isn't academy worthy but there is something about this show that I enjoy very much.

-Big Brother USA/Canada. Bwahahaha I can watch a real life soap opera/drama fest without being in the damn middle of it. AND I get to fast forward ( what would I do without my PVR?!) the utter stupidity.

-Bones. Oye, I've been watching this one since it's inception. I know there's only a few years left max but I read Kathy Reichs in the past. It was a natural conclusion I'd watch Temperance Brennan on TV.

-The New Normal. A half hour show about two men reaching out to a surrogate to have a family. The surrogate and her child are what makes the show in truth. I really enjoy this one.

On the business of blogging:

-It's been a tough winter for me on several fronts and I have questioned the validity of my blog. ( yet again ) I am not like most and go for numbers ( testament to the fact that I've been blogging since 2009 and only have 100 following. Which I'm really happy with. Honest. ) I don't blog for the sake of putting crap posts out there, there are so many that just like to barf shit on a page, follow blogs and ask you to follow them just for numbers. ( Aww, Muffin, were you not part of the popular club in high school and you are looking to be now? )
I blog for personal reasons. I enjoy writing but at times it helps me deal with stuff. In truth, it's hard to write when I am raw yet it's a catharsis for me. It also helps me bitch about things using humour. ( yup, today's post is such an example ). And yes, I do share my photography here from time to time.
I'll just ask you not to expect anything on regular intervals and if I haven't written anything in a while, I'm busy with life or I've dug myself a hole and am hiding from it. I'm known for doing that and it takes talent/ingenuity to dig me out again. Spring usually is a huge reason I dig out to face the world once more, such as I hate winter that much. Spring and Fall, my fav seasons and wouldn't you know it, two of the shortest. Sigh.

Well this concludes 'On the business of. . ' 

Take care, Peeps. See you all in the funny pages :-)



  1. On Canada, I love Canada, the small part I've seen so far...BC. I love the people, I love the scenery and I love the way everyone seems like one when you're in a neighborhood pub. Not like here, where there are cliques, and everyone giving the evil eye to everyone else. And I love my Canadian friends, like you, and Rob-Bear, and Sean, the guy we met in Waikiki several years ago and he and his group invited us to sit with them. We've been friends ever since, kind of like when I "met" you, -eh?

    1. Teri,
      You've seen a beautiful part of Canada. I can tell by the photographs you posted, not to mention you added to the beauty looking hawt like you did :-)
      Oh don't get me wrong, there are cliques here too but we just ship them off on a remote island somewhere. ha ha
      Feeling the love and sending it back. <3

      By the way, why do I have a feeling you could actually pull off the 'eh'?
      Welcome to the special club. We allow few in, eh. .

  2. As always, I like your wry humour and take on life!
    You should actually try to write more. I can see a book (hint-hint!)

    Also feel the same way about blogging. Mine is more of a journal about my little one! Still love reading about other people's lives and thoughts, such as yours!
    Keep blogging, Jamie!


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