Apr 5, 2010

Musings of this, that and other things.

For the record let it be known I think 'Snuggies'  are the ugliest things ever. First of all, it reminds me of hospital gowns. (with no backs) Get settled into it and sure as the sun sets, the phone will ring. All I can see is me getting up, tripping over the stupid thing and face planting on the floor.
Or take a person with considerable girth in the midsection, wouldn't they look like a Buddha? Yeah.. I'll pass on that but if someone were ever so foolish as to getting me one, I'll burn the damn thing.

Yayyyy me, I have a new 39" TV for my gym room. Now I have what's his pickle or the trainer from hell looking bigger than life to get in my face and push Brandi me. I'll take it though, the TV was f r e e. Sueeweet!

Tell me something, or try to explain the logic. What's with cars zipping past you with the pedal to the metal only to pull in front of you and slow down? What is the reasoning behind that brainiac move? Some sort of lame power struggle?

I happened upon Kirstie Alley's new weight loss line. Interesting, looks promising for those that need something like this. I also watched her new reality show 'Kirstie Alley's Big Life', and while I don't watch reality shows for the most part, I do like this one. I think she's REAL, she's a kick ass mom and she's putting it ALL out there. No schtick, no bullshit.

If you follow my blog, you are aware I moved into a brand spankin' new house. I was looking forward to being able to recycle again. I bought my blue bags a month ago, yeah I was that excited. One measly white kitchen garbage bag a week for the garbage man. Working on lessening our eco footprint. Yayy me :-)

I LOVE my new blogger page. I was so excited when I fell upon this particular template. (gotta love Google)  I have this thing with sunflowers, brings me back to a day when my kids were little and we went out on a stroll. I snapped a picture of my daughter reaching wayyy up trying to touch the top of a sunflower. Her bright pink summer clothes set against a bluer than blue sky with the rich golden yellow of the flower. That picture, to me, captured and embodied the innocence and awe of childhood. Every time I see a sunflower, it takes me back to that moment. :-)

What does a body do when it has insomnia? Why you make a to do list at 3 am ( in my defense I was trying to purge the to dos from my brain. Not optimal time to start thinking, you can't stop ) or a body can bake bread at 4:30 am, that there just helps to pass the time now, doesn't it? A friend of mine said at least I was productive. That may be so but ya know, sleep is productive too.

Not trying to offend our neighbors to the south, but ever since I heard about this I'm trying to figure out how I feel about it. Do you know, or are you aware, that Americans are increasingly taking the Canada Flag symbol and put it on their luggage or backpacks, anywhere visual when they travel abroad? It seems they are treated better if they are viewed as Canadians. I think they should prepare in advance and take lessons in our language, we are told we talk funny, Eh?! ;-)

And what are your musings of the day? :-)


  1. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH for Jamie recycling! Way to go, Jamie! :O)

  2. oh, and I hadn't known about us americans displaying your flag.....hmmmmmm?!

  3. It's ok Magoo, just struck me funny as I've never heard of it either. BUT makes sense to do it though,if you stop and think about it. Kim's a shoo in, she's got the 'eh' like a Canuk pro! ;-)

  4. i happen to have a very cute pink snuggie!

  5. Oye Prin, whatever floats your boat honey :-P


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