Dec 20, 2010

December's 'I believe'

I Believe

... scales are evil and possessed. Why else would it be calling out my name, taunting me?

...If I'm going to enjoy any part of this wretched winter, I'm going to have to gear up for living in the frozen North. It's hard to make boots, hats, mitts and coats looks sleek when you're bundled up like a three year old.

...things unfold as they must.. for the first time in 23 years hubby and I will wake up Christmas morning alone. Bailey's and coffee first order of the day. :-)

...Brioche baking is not for the faint of heart. Nor is the calories associated with it.But really yummy.

...Flannel sheets, peeps, it's the way to go. In Canada. In winter. In this freezing province.

...I'm DONE my Christmas shopping. Boo Yah!  Christmas shopping drives me to drink.  

...I'm looking forward to next year. I need a break from this one, it's been tough on several fronts. But... it was what it was supposed to be I guess.

...Zumba's going to be interesting to take. Attended a free class and it's um... different.  

...I need to get up and get my day started. But I really don't want to, I'm sooo comfy right here, right now. sigh.

...What do you believe?


  1. I believe you and I are overdue on a phone call!


  2. I believe that scales are the work of Satan. And I also believe that no bad day can start with coffee and baileys!

  3. I believe there is no reason not to start EVERY day with Baileys & coffee.

  4. Mary, I believe you are correct.

    Kim, I believe the theory's been tested and results were the same as yours. ;-)

    Vemon, as always you are spot on!

  5. scales and spin class are the devil!

  6. I believe I am going to start following your blog!

    I did so enjoy this post and the previous one. Found you on the "OVER 40 CLUB" list. Just the kind of stuff I am looking for (I am not into giveaways, having babies, and buying stuff). You have a fluent easy writing style and you gave me a few LOLs.

    I am a new blogger and anxious to gain some readers. Please check out my blog and tell me what you think.


  7. WOOPS, I guess I should have given you my blog address. Some comments sections places automatically do that.


Most times I'll respond back here. Sometimes I"ll answer back via email. Situation depending.