Dec 13, 2010

For Today..

For Today

Outside my window...
I'm hoping to seeing the sun. That big yellow circular object in the sky that's been missing for weeks.

I am thinking...
I have a heck of a lot to do today. How'd that happen? 

I am thankful for...
a good night's sleep. They don't happen too often.

From the Kitchen...
I have fresh ingredients for guacamole. Calories be damned, this is good fat, right?

I am wearing...
my work out clothes. It's a must. My scale hates the month of December.

I am creating...
my clone. She can attack my to-do list. Damn, I'm brilliant.  

I am going...
to the Rec Center today to sign up for a variety of fitness classes for January.  

I am reading...
or rather squinting at an ingredient list. Why is it typed so bloody small?  

I am hoping...
for my fence soon. It'll make me like my dogs more. 

I am hearing...
my neighbour cough up her lung. Have another smoke, Sugar. 

Around the house...
I see dust bunnies procreating in corners. Little friggers.

One of my favorite things...
is hubby waking me up with a steaming hot cuppa coffee. Why helloooo... No, no dear, the coffee, not you.

A few plans for the week...
a few? Please refer back to the to-do list. The stupid clone ran for her artificial life. 

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...

Gone south. ( where I wish I was )


  1. Beautiful picture, as always. If you "do" find the cloning recipe, can you please help a girl out? My list is daunting as well. Be safe out there. Miss you. xo

  2. Still laughing at the neighbor comment!

  3. I can relate to a lot of those--the to do list especially. I completely enjoyed the way you put things into words! LOL

  4. Let us know how the Cloning thing works out...
    Your poor neighbor. I hate seeing people sick and continuing to smoke!

  5. Dawn, found the secret to cloning but like I said, stupid thing ran away when she saw my list.. and I threw away the formula. sigh.

    Kim, honestly.. get the hint already, neighbour.

    Empty Nester, thank you.. sarcasm: my second language. It's my two daughters that can cut you in half with their tongues!

    Missy, sad thing is, she's fighting cervical cancer already. She's hacking up a lung due TO smoking. arghhh


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