Jun 2, 2011

Musings of This, That and Other Things

Musings of This, That and Other Things, 

BBQs. Not my most comfortable method of cooking. I can't ever tell when the meat's just right. And I have this fear of propane blowing up in my face every time I light it up. I put on my big girl panties this past Sunday and I braved the big bad BBQ. ( with a full glass of wine, liquid courage you must understand )  Pardon me but I rocked that sucker! Meat done to perfection, delish hamburgers that weren't bottom shoe leather tough.
*taking a bow*
I may or may not have sent my daughter out five hours later because I may or may not have forgotten to shut off the valve to the propane tank in my rush to get away from the beast. Ooops.

I have zero sense of direction. North, south, east, west...To me it all looks the same, we're moving forward,ya?  I'm in awe of people who know what direction they're heading in. ( hmmm that could apply in several ways) It's so bad, I need to landmark my vehicle in a large parking lot. Hubby can't not,for the life of him,understand why people like me can't grasp the concept. I've lived with it this long, only a handful of meltdowns, what's the problem?!
Anyhow, for me to head out to find an address in a city with over a million people and actually doing it? Without a GPS? Well that deserves an honorable mention and apparently a standing ovation from the guys in the store I needed to go to.
*takes a bow*
I drove back home with a sense of accomplishment and a mental pat on the back. ( ok so I loosened my grip on the steering wheel once I was back in familiar territory, point is.. I DID IT! Boo Ya!)

A BIG virtual bouquet and standing ovation to my daughter who's reached her five year clean milestone. It was the hardest fight of her life but she grabbed the monster by the head and snapped it's neck. Five years later, she is officially free and clear. You've no more hold on her you S.O.B.

I want to go back home for a couple of weeks. I'm tired on a deep down level. I want no responsibilities, no house to look after, no cooking/cleaning, no grass cutting/weeding, no dogs to look after, nada, ziltch, zip.
I want to go see my bestie in Montreal, to slouch on her couch and maybe drink copious amounts of alcohol enjoy a cuppa or twenty. To watch the miracle of the birth of my niece, which I'm going to miss. To wake up and head over to Westboro for some of the world's best bagels. Ever.
I want steamed hotdogs from awesome french fry stands.
I want a break. 
I want to be surrounded by my mom, dad and three sisters. Everyone eating and talking up a storm. (We're french, don't doubt me when I say we can eat, talk and drink sip wine.)  
I want some cheese with this whine. 
And some wine with the cheese & whine. 
Aww hell, throw in the chocolate.
Must be my PMS week, because damn I'm a sorry mess at the moment.

Because I don't want to end it on that sorry ass note, I'm going to post a joke because it's well...cute. Albeit corny but worth a small chuckle.

How do you top a car? 

Tep on the brake, Tupid. 

Ha ha.. come on, you are SO grinning right now.

What about you, my bloggy pals, what are your musings of the day?

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