Feb 24, 2012

What the hell was she thinking??

I am still trying to wrap my head around the recent 'events' posted on facebook ( good ol' fb. A real dramafest. sigh ) for all the world to see.

There is a family member (through marriage) that posts pictures of her children. 
What's wrong with that, you ask? 
Well.. nothing really, unless it's pictures of her very young very naked children. 
A while back, she posted one of her then 2 year old daughter, naked as a jaybird, feet wide apart bent over at the waist looking at the camera through her legs. 
She posted a star in the strategic area ( a star?? ) in an attempt to make it PG.
It was cringe worthy and it was shocking. 
Try as I might, I could NOT get into her head space to see what she was thinking.
There is no way to make a picture like that PG. Sorry. 
The only people that will find that remotely acceptable is the immediate family. 

This week, this week she topped the charts, blew the damn cover clean out the hemisphere with the latest picture. 
Same child, a year older. Sound asleep in bed beside her daddy, arms over her head,naked as the day she was born, legs spread wide eagle with one bent up at the knee. 
No star this time, nope. This time the area was pixelated but it was no less shocking. My jaw fell open, my stomach rolled. I shook my head repeatedly, trying to grasp the idea behind this. Looking for the innocence in this picture, finding absolutely none. 
Innocence is a picture of a child blowing bubbles,playing with the family pet or covered head to toe in flour. That's cute, worthy of an 'ahhhh' and a smile.
Not completely naked, spread eagle, fast asleep. Too young to give permission for such a picture. 

I worked hard through the years to get across to my children their 'private parts' were exactly that. Private. I do the same with my grand daughter. There is NO picture of any one of them naked, let alone shared for all eternity on the internet. 
Sadly, this picture, I can guarantee, is probably now the ultimate fodder for sick pedophiles who troll the internet for things like this. And I can almost bet it's been found ,unpixelated and passed around. Sickening to think, isn't it. 

She's lucky if someone doesn't get mad enough to report her to the authorities. If they wanted to , they could very well charge her with pornography. ( Even if it wasn't her intent, and I know for certain it wasn't ) I think they'd be pissed off enough to, given what they witness on a daily basis.
I can't imagine the thought of someone getting off on pictures of this child, any child, sharing it within their twisted networks.. 
These pictures she continues to post can never be taken back. It is there. to.stay.
Pictures that will be circulated among the bottom of the sick gene pool. Pictures that can come back up one day and completely embarrass the innocent.  

What the hell was she thinking? She wasn't. But someone was.
Someone reported that photograph to the powers that be who work for that social media.
It wasn't me but immediately after she had a meltdown on being asked to remove it I was deleted from her 'friends' list . I was probably blamed as I've been somewhat of a favourite target within that family for years for a variety of 'offences'. 
I'm really glad someone reported it. Yet she re-posted it. This time with her favourite star. 
Didn't she get the hint when not one of her 400 so called fb friends didn't comment? I have to wonder how many were just as shocked as I... 
It makes me so very sad for this wee innocent child. Sad that her mother didn't and won't... think. Now or in the future.



  1. unbelievable! Thank God someone reported it. She either has to be very young or very dumb.

  2. All I can say is WOW.....and thats not a good WOW either :(

  3. That is such a sad story. My DIL posted a photo of her two year old son in his underpants and after a time removed it because she saw that it was being viewed too often, too much, by too few....weird. Yes, there is weirdness out there. I hope this MOM learns quickly that some things need to be held back from PUBLIC MEDIA, especially in regard to our innocent, young children!!!!!


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