Sep 19, 2009

I'm not a credit to my gender

I hate shopping.
Can you believe that?
I have to be in a very specific mood to shop and I will
give credit to my hubby for trying to help me last night.
And try he did.
Offering me jeans of 129$ without hesitation, without blinking.
But it wasn't working for me. Damn, why can't I be what they claim my gender is?
Those were hot jeans too, sigh.

Why a specific mood? Truth? I shop better alone.
Like reading, I have to be alone.
Waking up in the morning, I love that couple of hours solitude.
And yes, I set my alarm to have it.
Yet I can't stand being alone more than two days running.
Persnickety aren't I.

I'm going to head out tomorrow and scope around for jeans and maybe
a pair of shitkickin' boots, (another name for cowgirl boots)
I've been in the mood for a pair of those lately.
I've had a need to touch back to my roots and like an itch, it won't go away
till I scratch.
I'll bring my husband to those stores and let him spoil me, he'll get a kick out of
'finding' what I am looking for.
And hopefully I'll have a new pair of boots to welcome Autumn.
Not bad, not bad at all. :-)

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