Sep 30, 2009

Boys don't make passes...

Remember that phrase? I HATED it. Mostly because back in my day, it held true.
Want a few names I was tagged with as a tween/teen?
Four eyes, coke bottom glasses, goggles.
So powerful back then. Very much in the past now.
Or is it?
I had glasses since I was four.
Life would be SO much simpler without glasses but my husband doesn't understand why I refuse laser treatement.

Number 1- I'd rather put the money towards something better; new clothes, books, boots, shoes, more shoes or more books. Get my drift?

Number 2 and more importantly-  I wear mine like a security blanket, a naked face leaves me vulnerable,open,unprotected. With them I can see and clearly at that but my glasses will reflect your inquisitive or rude stare right back at you. After all,I can't have you looking in at will and see things I don't want you to. Prescription sunglasses? Well  HA! that's my ARMOR. I am invincible with them. Cloaked and capable.
In the past..that's my story and I'm sticking to it.

I love today's world, glasses are a fashion statement now and I'm more than happy to spend the 6 or 7 hundred on a new pair every couple of years.
Who am I with this new pair? Sassy? Serious? Sophisticated ?
Who cares? I get a 'new' me and you STILL can't see in, my secrets safe,my privacy intact.

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