Sep 28, 2009

Let's talk honey.

Honey,how do you eat yours? Me, with peanut butter and toast. Comfort food, I tell ya.
Where I'm from my favorite as a child was the wax honeycomb on top of that container of honey.
Grown locally thank you very much.
It was our natural chewing gum.
Ok so it didn't last long but the velvety texture, the way it moulded to our teeth when we bit
down , the 'pop' it gave when we pried it loose. Hey, that was entertainment. :-)
My father eats it every day without fail. And GOBS of it on his english muffin, bagel or toast.
Makes me shudder to think of how sweet that bite must be but oh how he loves it with his
cuppa tea. Long after he's gone, I will remember his pure enjoyment of his tea breaks.

My hairdresser, Shauna  Anela Salon  gave me a jar of honey from Hawai'i I can't begin to describe the flavor, unlike anything we have here in Canada. ( and speaking of..Hawai'i pineapple? Something like Michelle's mango tree in Jamaica. Second to NONE ) It's not as instantly sweet as our honey. It's texture is more cream like, a delicate long finish in it's subtle flavors. I can't wait to get some for my dad only I realize I will become his honey dealer after he's experienced a Hawai'ian honey. :-)

I am going to bed happy in the thought that I will be enjoying some warm golden toast with natural
peanut butter and that ohhh so sweet honey tomorrow morning.
And to honor my dad, I think I'll complete the moment with a hot cuppa tea.
A lovely way to start my day and
enjoy the view outside my kitchen window.


  1. Well, I myself am not a honey eater. My dahling hubby sometimes puts it in his coffee. But, I'll be happy to tell you.....while you are here, no worries as there is honey in the house! And I bought a new jar the other day, without even realizing its a must have for your visit! ;o)

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