Aug 12, 2010

August's Open Letters

Dear Lady in queue
It's called a 'personal bubble' and it's apparent you don't have one. Please be advised the majority of us do. I don't relish the feeling of your boobs against my back even if you were reaching for something. Nor does it excite me to have you constantly pressing up against my arm while we waited. Back. Off.
Personal Space Cadet.

Dear Stress Point
You camp out behind my shoulder blade, making your presence well known. You are impossible to get to and you crawl right up into my neck. My stomach is sick from the stupid pain. I don't like you.

Dear Jimmy Buffett
So... Margarita Grand Cayman..? I'm game. Got a few plane tickets laying around by chance? 
Margarita Mama

Dear 8 hours of Sleep
Where the hell have you up and gone to??
Nocturnal Night Mamma No Wanna

Dear House, 
Clean yourself already. I quit.
Housework. Blows. Chunks.

Dear Coffee Server, 
And just how did you get hot chocolate out of 'medium coffee half hot water, two milk' ??
This is the fourth blasted time. Frikken re-train or quit already. 
Cranky Coffee Patron

Dear Dragonflies,
Never mind the stupid mating, eat the mosquitoes already. 
Bitten to Bits.

Dear Youngest Daughter, 
I know change is a scary thing, but you have your family and an excellent support system behind you. Take the high road with the crap that was unloaded on you. I know you can. After all , I raised you didn't I..  :-) 


  1. These are great! I especially love the personal space cadet:)

  2. Great letters! I have a stupid stress ball that camps out by my shoulder blade, too....what is it with that?! And I cracked up at your comment to the Dragonflies.....

  3. You had me laughing! I'm over from the 40's following this Friday.
    I would love to follow. check my world out:http//

  4. I think your stress point knows my stress point so I say Margaritas all around!

  5. I like your chutzpah! :) New follower here.
    I will never be a space invader to you or anyone (ok, maybe my hubby) -- I cringe when I encounter them.

  6. Great letters. Space Cadet could be my letter. Here people don't give you any privacy if you don't 'push' them away or give them 'move please' -look.

    I'm in from Java's FF, have a great weekend!

  7. Awesome post! I love the Space Cadet one too. Hope you have a great weekend! Candace

  8. This is just a totally awesome post! I am a personal space freak!

  9. Just wanted to say hi. I just popped over from Java's FF. I'm a homeschooling mom, dressmaker and artist.

    Trudy &

  10. Following you from Follow Friday Over 40. I would appreciate it if you could stop over and follow me back. Terry
    My Journey With Candida

  11. Loved today's post....simple and to the point and reflects random thoughts that run through my head all the time. Found you through Follow Friday Over 40 ...Going to take the ride with you and follow.


Most times I'll respond back here. Sometimes I"ll answer back via email. Situation depending.