Aug 1, 2010

Musings of This, That and Other Things

Why hello again, my bloggy buddies, I'm back and looking forward to catching up with you all in BloggyVille :-)

Musings of This, That and Other Things.

I don't profess to be the fashion police but I know,without doubt, lululemon pants don't marry well with heels, pumps or straps. This case was heels. I tried to not stare but had to try figure out her thought process when she put her outfit together. I failed. Miserably.

Ok so I tried to get on the 'happiness bandwagon thingamagiggy'. It's where you chase all negative thoughts,comments and verbal responses away for 21 days straight. Apparently it's designed to make you more happy? Zen? In tune?  The first time I tried saying something nice, I literally bit my tongue,but held it in the nick of time. The second attempt I fell clean on my ass, swore from the pain of it and got pushed off the stupidpollyanna bandwagon.  But A for effort, if you please..I have the wounds to prove it. And really? I'm zen with my sarcasm thank you very much.

Question I ponder sometimes when I head out: 
Why did I go out today? I know you've asked yourself the same thing a time or ten. We all must venture out, yes it's true, but does Murphy's Law have to stalk me on a regular basis?

 Me: "Hon, do you think we should get a start on that deck?"
 Hubby: " No worries, the deck will only take a couple of hours to slap up." 
Me: " Are you sure? Looks like a job that takes more than a couple of hours."
Hubby: " Watch me."
I've been watching. For three days. Not finished. 
Behind every great man is a woman rolling her eyes. 

What do you do for the month of August? Swim? Camp? Holiday? 
Me? I start making notes on my calendar for the September TV line up. That's right. You're looking at a bona fide Fall couch potato. And I love my PVR.

I hate earwigs , I'm talking hate with a capital 'H'. I've sat on those vile creatures only to be pinched hard. I've happened upon colonies of them, I've had nightmares of mutated earwigs. Luckily I don't have the misfortune of their company where I live now. whew! But, as Murphy's Law would have it, I didn't go unscathed during my recent trip back 'home'. I was packing up the last of three boxes left and sure as the sun rise, I opened up a box to tape only to be scared the living shit out of me greeted back by those disgusting creatures. I screamed, my mother in law went running and the earwigs slithered to freedom. Three boxes, my peeps, three. boxes.left. ARGH

Checked my mother in law's mail box for the last time Friday, the house was packed, her suitcases in the car. The mailbox was a wee little walk down the road. I took the long way back, walking a zig zag pattern on her acre front lawn, looking at landmarks I'd seen for the last 30 years. I happened upon a surprise stash of wild raspberries. What a delicious pleasure to pick those plump red berries, the flavours dancing in my mouth. As I meandered along, I felt the ghosts of the past sidle up, the memories playing themselves out, each timed in chronological order. I saw myself as a young 18year old, fresh in a new relationship with the boy that lived in that house. I saw all our animals we've owned,running and darting, my girls chasing them,their laughter tinkling and melding with the song of the crickets. Events playing themselves out in my mind, the good, the bad, the sheer beauty of the mysteries of the area. One last time, I allowed the ghosts and the memories to bring me back. 
I squared my shoulders and with a fond smile said goodbye to that 18 year old girl who fell in love with that 20 year old boy.
I headed to the car, my mother in law locked the front door for the last time and wiping away a tear or two, we drove away leaving the past where it belonged.

Got to love hearing the words, " Ladies and Gentlemen,unfortunately we will have to taxi back to the gate due to a system malfunction. We apologize blah blah blah."
Now.. I understand malfunctions, be it wardrobe or otherwise but I'm not overly excited at an airplane 'malfunction'. But I did reach my destination safe and sound, 1 1/2 hours later.

Need a laugh?   Gridlocked, Carribean Style :-)


  1. You are a good woman! If I had to have live with my MIL, rip, I would have slit my wrists!
    BTW, my eyes roll so many times I require sea sick meds...
    Glad you are back!

  2. Welcome back. I knew when yiou got back that you'd have great stuff for us. You've been missed.

  3. I love your sense of humor. i had a bathtub in my living room for over a month. My husband said it would take 2 weeks for the bathroom to be finished. Off the mark. take care. Rose

  4. omg earwigs!!! I had to google a pic... ewwww!

    you are a good woman my friend <3

  5. LOL@ Missy @ the meds crack. Good one!

    Weezer, Dang good to be back. It was a crazy crazy week.

    Rose, bathtub for a month in the living room? Hubby's pillow would of fit nicely in it. ;-)

    Mich, you've seen NOTHING till you've seem a bloody swarm of them. UGH

  6. ROFLMAO @ Venom. You're a frikken hoot!

  7. Thank goodness you are back! You really crack me up! I hate earwigs too! Blah!!

    PS: I too write down my fall tv listings! I wouldn't want to miss one!!!

  8. Glad to know I'm not the only one, Java. Good to be back. :-) Thanks

  9. Your section on saying goodbye to the had me in tears....thank you for the descriptive and the emotion.

  10. Aww Kelly, knowing your story, I'm fairly certain you can relate...


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