May 15, 2011

Bugs, Birds and Butterflies

                                                           A variety of earth's creatures.
                                                                         (click to enlarge) 
The twins dropped in 
Water spiders. Fascinating little creatures
Footprints in the sand is so overdone, doncha think?
Surprise visit, for both of us 
In the eye of the..butterfly
Biggest moth I've seen to date. Wing span, 12 inches plus!
Supper's done. Scram
Hide and go seek? Not so much
Whoopsy, out of focus. Predator butterflies, hard to shoot. They never stop
Betcha can't lift this big boy
  figure it out 
After dinner stroll
Vying for space
Another elusive one to shoot
Yup, magic! ( FYI, that's a frog)
Going for the sweet stuff
Polly out of crackers
Small, blue and inconspicuous 


  1. ok, the snake seriously freaked me out. How on earth did you get that picture?

  2. AnonymousMay 16, 2011

    Great pictures...I have the same butterfly pictures from the butterfly exhibit they have near here

  3. OMG! The Frog is my favorite...
    Great photos!

  4. Teri, it wasn't all that hard. We more or less tripped over each other. He moved slow, I crouched down even slower lol

    Jeff, It was very warm in their habitat. My lens would fog up.

    Missy, cool frog I agree. Love the blue of the other one too :-)


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