May 23, 2011

Musings of This, That and Other Things

Musings of This, That and Other Things, 

The dog park in our town is nice enough to provide poop bags for us. It is the law to clean up after your animals.  Hubby was just leaving the park when this lady drives up, walks over to the box where two fat rolls of the bags are kept. She starts unrolling and doesn't stop till the grocery bag she brought is full to spilling with them. If she didn't take a hundred, she didn't take one. And what does she do? Turns around, gets back in her vehicle and drives off with no dogs in tow. Gee lady, don't worry for the rest of us that actually use the park and need those hundred bags. You didn't even have the grace to look sheepish. Um... thou shall not covet, honey. Yeah that applies to dog shit bags as well.

Want to know how talented I am?
Well too gosh darn bad, you're going to find out anyways..
I walk over to the microwave, turn my thumb sideways to push the button to open it. Sideways because I have acrylics on the semi longish side and it fits perfectly along the length of the button. I misjudge and ram the corner of my nail on the shelf it sits on. CRACK! Shitpissfrackinglousyfiretruckingsonofabeeswaxmuthertruckingpain  Suwweet Baby Jesus, there went 1/4 of my acrylic along with my real nail from the top heading towards the cuticle.
To add insult to injury, the nail tech, when I went the next day, slipped with the little mini grinder and lifted that whole section.
Cry, squeal,sniffle, stomach roll, eye roll, blanch and head bowed till it was fixed.
Walked out with wobbly knees.

Where were you when six o'clock rolled around May 21st? For the Rapture?  I was out on my porch, sitting on my Adirondack chair with my lil grand baby fast asleep in my arms. No other place I'd rather be. Just me, baby and the sounds of the continuation of life.
But hey, someone want to hug that old preacher? Tell him to cheer up, he's 89 yrs old,the end is near.

My trainer is pushing me to do what feels like 500 squats.
'Lower and deeper, put a little something extra in that butt, ' she booms out.
'Already did,' I deadpanned, 'it's called cheesecake.'

Rain. We need it. I know most of you don't. Our province is on fire. Three hundred thousand hectares burned and we lost half a town. 7000 people displaced, homeless.  I'll take it from you who are swimming in it. We have the Rainmaker Rodeo next Saturday, that'll help too, I hope. 

What about you, my bloggy pals, what are your musings of the day?


  1. AnonymousMay 23, 2011

    I am musing about whether that lady is selling those doggy dodo bags at a flea market for $.25 each :-)

  2. LOL
    Stealing of dog bags! How rude! (Not only here in SA that they steal e-v-e-r-y-thing)
    Nothing as painful as broken nails!
    We are also still here ;-)

  3. I wish I could send you some rain! We have had more than our share!
    Fires are so bad...

    Take care of the nail!


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