Aug 11, 2011

Musings of This, That and Other Things

The new 'Back to School' Staples commercials are airing now. 'It's the most wonderful time of the year' song is it's trademark August jingle. It's been a few years since I've had the pleasure of shoving that commercial in my daughters's faces. ( yeah I know, I'm mean that way.) I miss that first morning of school, flinging open the girls's bedroom door and singing it at the top of my lungs. Ahh warm fuzzy memories. Just don't ask the girls, somehow I don't think those memories carry the same warmth for them . Bwahahaha 

A phone call from out of the blue by an old friend turned into an evening @ Starbucks, reminiscing about the good old days we worked at the bookstore. Here in Canada, your Barnes & Noble is our Chapters and there's a Starbucks attached to most of them.  We were met by one of my besties who worked there at the time as well. We toured down memory lane ( what little is left of it ) visiting many names and characters we worked with during out time. ( Not all good but funny for the most part) I don't think that bookstore has seen a staff like us since. We rocked that store. Heck, we pwn'd it. 
Ran a tight ship we did,each one of us knowing our sections, ( My bestie learned one day who 'Cassi Nova' was , one of my fondest memories ) and wrap your head around this one, we actually cared about the customer! I know, I know.. days when someone cared!
It was never about the money, working there. Christmas was crazy hectic and at times a reason to quit on the spot. ( You'd be amazed how often I was held to blame because the customer waited till the last possible minute with no success only to have a strip torn off me ) Aside from those times there was joy in being surrounded by books, hundreds of thousands of them. The feel, the smell,the looks of them, I miss it. A lot.
It will remain to this day one of my favorite jobs, ever. And to be able to meet occasionally with old co-workers is a testament on how gelled we were as a staff. 

Yeah, we were awesome.
Well again...some of us were. ;-)

Locked myself out of the house yesterday. Jammies on, no shoes, hair not brushed. Warm bacon waiting to be enjoyed for breakfast. Yup, I did that. Because, you know, I'm special that way.
In my defense it wasn't my fault, stupid lock engages whenever it takes a notion.
I wanted to cry, curse,kick the shit out of that door but that would make me look crazier than I already am.
Oh was I pissed. And hungry. :-(
What the hell am I going to do now? Well.. take stock of the situation for one and make a plan. I spied my neighbour two houses down, got her cell phone and madly called my daughter who lives a mere 3 miles away.
(Yes walking distance but not in sock feet with shorts two sizes too big, tank top with no bra, hair like straw wearing a feral look. Not gonna cut it with the general public, I'm thinking.)
Just as well tried calling a patron resident of a graveyard, it's the same bloody thing. Little turd had my jeep with a spare key to the house and she was sleeping like the dead.
My neighbour suggested calling a locksmith, I gave it a moment's thought then rejected it. Wasn't willing to fork over 50 to 70$, thanks but no thanks.
Hmmm.. wait! Ladder? She had a ladder didn't she? Extendable ones that reached that second floor?  Where the only window of the house was open, screen on.
She nervously regarded me, offering me a helmut. Bah! Why? I'm only scaling to the second floor, it's all's good, Sugar. 

Up the ladder I shimmed, hearing her laboured (stressed?) breathing. Not good for a 20 something year old, tsk tsk. I laughed. I know, I know.. wrong thing to do but I wasn't scared, I just wanted my damn bacon. And to kick the damn stupid door in. She was having kittens down there, poor thing.
Alls well ends well. Made it in, grabbed a coffee card hubby had just given me and gave it to her. Ok , I slipped in her pocket, she didn't want to take anything but I felt bad for knocking a few years off her life.
Today, I'm heading out to make another spare key, can't find the first one, why would I , that would be to easy now, wouldn't it? Going to hide it somewhere outside and if someone finds it and robs me, go hard, asshole. I'm insured.
Never will bacon cool while some idiot, (read me) locks oneself out. 

What about you, my bloggy friends, what are your musings of the day?

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