Oct 21, 2009

Canadian Kitchen Whore


I'm the best person to take a handfull of loose change and maximize the amount.
I fail miserably when I'm in a kitchen store.

I've just come from some quaint little store that sells so many
fabulous kitchen 'stuffs'. ( Not the 'As seen on TV' kind either.)
Only on the east side of North Amercia would
I come across such a lovely little store.

I went in there a few days ago,walked out without purchasing a single thing (yet I touched everything ha! )
I suffered withdrawls.
Had to go back before I left Massachusetts or it was going to haunt my entire next year.

I'm sitting here with a huge grin on my face.
I'm sad. Pathetic. In need of a kitchen shopoholic anon group.
But 48$ ain't bad ya know. It's not like I spent 500$ but ohhhhhhh I SO could have.
In a snap. ( 189$ for a sauce pan  and they had a whole SET of pans. sighhh )
I have to claim when I cross the border. 500$ would of blew my allowable limit
right out of the water.
I practiced restraint and it hurt like a friggen bi*ch. Damn I'm good.

 Got a few treats for my family, a few articles of clothing for me and a whole
bus load of memories. Fair trade.
I was fortunate to be able to see my good friend with her first grandbaby.
I have to tell you, the maternal side is a MUCH better place to be.
She's paternal side but I know her. She'll be the first to show that baby many 'firsts'
(I think ice cream is high on the priority list.) in spite or despite what her son
and wife say. I agree, it's her rights as a G-ma.

 As much as I've enjoyed my time here though I miss my 'homeland'.
The familiarity of the essence of Canada.

Passing through customs in Toronto , first stop after that? Tim Horton's. Yayyy
Jonsing for one and won't stop till I get that large warm liquid gold.
Even if I have to make the plane wait.

Roots set deep in the bottom of a coffee cup

1 comment:

  1. I can;t be held responsible anytime i enter 'call the kettle balck".... mass purchasing will ensue!


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