Feb 21, 2011

Feb's 'For Today'

For Today

Outside my window...
I see the morning. Already. Haruummph.

I am thinking...
March best come in like a lion after the winter we've had. Then it can leave like a meek little lamb.

I am thankful for...
January being gone, February going and Spring around the corner? Puullleeassee? 

From the Kitchen...
I am winging it. A lot. Short on time. Note to self: Rectify.

I am wearing...
Nothing. In fact I'm standing by my window buck nekked and doing a jig. Hello??? It's cold, it's winter. I'm wearing the Canadian staple, flannels. 

I am creating...
nothing. And for that I am sad. 

I am going...
to ring Maid soon to draw my bath and get Cook to make me something yummy. Oh crap! Fired them both last week.. sigh apparently I'm roughing it today.

I am reading...
Boneman's Daughters. Dark. Hard to read in parts.   

I am hoping... 
to get to the gym today and rock it! lol yeah. right. 

I am hearing...
the furnace working like mad. It's been doing a lot of that lately. Brrrr   

Around the house...
I murdered Dust Bunnies yesterday. 

One of my favorite things...
is breakfast in bed. Well at least I'd like to imagine it is.  

A few plans for the week...
Haven't gotten that far on plans yet. Winging it, remember? Gym for sure. Combating cabin fever. Attempting to be in not such a bitchy mood. Even if it kills me. ;-) 

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...

Half a heart is better than none.


  1. "half a heart." I think that will stay with me for a while.

  2. I thought you were going to share a pic of you dancing a neked jig...

  3. Teri, I hope it's a good thing..

    Missy, roflmao. Not in this life time, sugar. :-P

  4. My breath hitched at nekked...and I was like: Good God, how LONG has it been since we hung out? Could she have changed THAT much. And then I read the rest, and my world righted itself. xo


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