Feb 28, 2011

Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop- Going back on words.

One of the writing prompts this week was to go back one year ago and see what I was blogging about. 

Okay, no problem. I'll go back a year ago.
I re-read the blog, well sorta kinda. I quickly skimmed over it. I didn't want to be back here and I sure as hell didn't want to be re-reading my own post. It made me uncomfortable. 
I set the laptop down, went to the kitchen and made a cuppa 'chase the crappy weather away' hot liquid. ( sick of winter doesn't even begin to cover it, peeps) thinking about why this step back made me uncomfortable, why I didn't even want to read my words from a year ago. I had to figure this one out quick.
I'm really good that way, to take an emotion that smacks me upside the head without warning, inspect then dissect it. Hell, I know who I am so I shouldn't be,what's the word I'm looking for here... taken aback ,  yeah that's the word, by a relatively mild emotion. 
huh... would you look at that. Strange. 

What I came to realize, after blindly seeping the tea for 5 minutes too long, is this: 
Other than posts like this , that or a trip back to highschool , I really don't feel like revisiting my random thoughts or musings. They've come, they've had their moment and they've taken their exit. 

I also came to the conclusion that I don't vary much from my blog, which, after some more thought, is okay in my world. I don't blog for the sake of just putting a post out there. ( that doesn't happen in blog world, does it? ;-) ) My format is tailor made for me. I don't blindly go following bloggers in hopes they'll follow me back. ( that doesn't happen in the blog world, does it? ;-) ) I follow blogs of substance for the most part. ( Ok I'll cop to following a few because I don't have the heart to delete them, hurt feelings and all ) and I would like to think those that follow me do it because they enjoy my words. Not for numbers. 

But I digress.

Today was an eye opener of sorts for me. Needless to say I won't be participating in this week's particular writing prompt...or come to think of it,  just maybe I will. ( a whole lotta thinkin' going on here. )  Because without it, this old dog wouldn't of learned something new about herself. 
Come to think of it , maybe ultimately that's what Mama Kat's Writing Workshop is all about. 

Thanks, Mama Kat


  1. Great post, Jamie. I only like going back through SOME of my blogs. I've been a slacker blogger this past week...gulp. Miss you. xo

  2. Funny that you blog about that, I was doing the same this weekend. Funny how we change, grow, learn. I too have some things that I don't want to revisit, yet I find there's some comfort in a "been there, conquered that" of reading blogs past. That's me anyways... :)

  3. I thought about this too. I went back to last year's posts and nope, I didn't feel like rehashing it again. I also don't blindly follow bloggers. A site has to mean something to me. I'm like this with FB too. I have 40 friends. I don't need 400. People are not baseball cards or collectables, are they?

    Visiting from Mama Kat's


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