Feb 24, 2011

Musings of This, That and Other Things

Musings of This, That and Other Things

So I have this 63 year old woman at the gym who thinks she's not a day over 30. Which is fine, to each her own, but truly sweetheart, you are 63, there's no hiding the fact. 
The other day I'm jogging beside a 19 year old who'd recently been cleared to resume workouts after a terrible car crash. She's finding it hard and I was giving it my all to support her. I know what hardship is in the exercise world, I've witnessed many a triumph over the odds. I introduce myself just as the 63 old cow passes us and what does the idiot do? Throws over her shoulder as she jogs by, 'I'm Marlene, I'm 63, and I'm beating your ass'. 
I could of cheerfully hip checked her over the railing, 1 1/5 floors below. Piss off , you battle axe, at least my running partner's boobs don't frame her belly button and my small ones never will. Friggen flacking ol' cow.
Ok, I feel better now. ;-)

On the other side of the coin, I was asked yesterday if I worked at the gym. When asked why she thought that, I was told I have 'the look'. Most of the ones working there, save for the front desk are all 'youngish' so I'll take that compliment thank you very much. But I don't look nowhere their ages. As I type this, however, I wonder what 'the look' is? 

Every year I choose three or four magazines to subscribe to. I have NO idea which ones this year. I let one go I've had for 4 years now. I'm nitpickin' at them all and I don't know why.. not in the mood for decor, or cooking or Oprah or (someone please shut her the hell up) ,Ol' Martha or Freud type or Reader's Digest or Science or Geographic. Sigh. Probably because for the last four months I've barely registered any time for myself , let alone sit down long enough to browse through a magazine. But, and for some oddball reason, I take comfort in having a stack on my night table. 
Seriously.. do you care? lol Sorry, thinking out loud.

I have started laying the ground work for my next shopping spree. Planted a seed in the back of hubby's mind so when I do go, it'll be ensconced in his brain and he won't utter a peep. Sort of like power of suggestion while they are sleeping. As I'm an 'in your face' kinda gal, I'd rather the challenge of doing it in his waking hours. Yeah.. I'm just talented that way. ;-) 

Talk about trusting my Canada Post. I mailed out my unsorted but extensive collection of recipes I've gathered over the years to my sister across the country. She's madly copying schwacks of papers as she's recently discovered the joy of cooking. ( ha ha pun intended)  The postlady asked me if I wanted insurance on it. Included is a family cookbook I started for my girls when they were youngsters, it goes to them after I .. you know.. depart. How the heck do you put a price on something like that? 

I have a friend who is.. well me. She's a wee bit older, ( I can't say her age, I'm afwaidd, wery wery afwaiid ) and perhaps a tad bit wiser. (Believe me, that hurt to admit that one.) She also can play the social card with more grace than I. Where as I call someone out if they are acting like a jerk, she'll probably bide her time and cut them off at the knees at the moment of most impact. I envy her for that. ( I'm french and Aquarius, ergo: Hot headed and ready to spring when I think someone's done somebody wrong -song -  ( ha ha, those of you old enough will get that one ) .
Thing is I'm not sure whether or not I take pleasure and comfort of having another 'me' around or worried about/for the general population when we're out together. 

Come on, admit it. You're hearing that song in your head right now and will catch yourself humming it out loud throughout the day . Ha ha

What about you, my bloggy pals, what are your musings of the day?


  1. I can not believe that "cow" said that as she ran around you. What is up with some people? When I think I have heard it all......

  2. Somebody done you wrong song???? I can hear it right now.

  3. I hate getting songs stuck in my head!
    I agree with the Oprah suggestion...


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