Feb 12, 2011

Feb's Open Letters

Dear You and others like you,
Calling a spade a spade is better than calling it what it's not. Or digging a hole and burying it.   
Grow a pair

Dear Boy, 
I take great pleasure at your discomfort at standing in my home, meeting 'the mother' for the first time. You will probably hurt my daughter and when you do, I hope it rots and falls off. 
Momma Bear

Dear Dog,
Learn how to bath yourself already. Your Eau de Dog is a complete FAIL.
Dog Walker, not Dog Bather.

Dear Back End, 
Would you take a look at you.. :-)  Squats suck big time but they are your friend I see. 
I don't wanna BUTT I hafta.  

Dear February, 
Thanks for being the shorty of the bunch. 
Spring or Bust

Dear French Fries
Ohhh you lovely mound of golden salty goodness you. How I love thee.How I crave thee once week a month and if I don't get some, heads will roll. 
Would you like fries with that?

Dear Chocolate, 
Your cravings come every 4th month. But I honor your arrival with the good stuff. When it comes to you, nothing but the best for me.
No Cheap Chocolate


  1. enjoyed your letters. i can relate to the dog one as i now have 6 dogs. have a great Sunday.rose

  2. wish i was there for the "meet the parents" moment!

  3. I need to send my rump a big memo!!!

  4. Rose, you've no idea how much I hate washing a dog.. and you have six?? Shoot me now ha ha

    Michie, there will be more I'm sure. I was right and I hope it'll rot.

    Missy, I'll do a couple of extra sets for you weekly ;-)


Most times I'll respond back here. Sometimes I"ll answer back via email. Situation depending.