Feb 6, 2011

Musings of This, That and Other Things

Musings of This, That and Other Things

Zumba. You've all heard of it by now. A few weeks back I attended a free class at the gym where I go. Was not sure about it at all. 
How do I describe Zumba to someone who's never taken it? Um..like choreographed freestyle movements set to, for the most part, any beat with a strong drum or beat. 
I got through the class unsure about the money I had plunkered down to take it, unsure about this weird 'feel the music' type of class.   
Till a couple of weeks ago. I had my 1st of 12 classes that would take me into March. 
I was apprehensive at the start, colour me surprised at the end.
 I know what the problem was. The instructor. 
I didn't like the first one, didn't connect with her at all. Movements were awkward, confusing and didn't flow from one to another. 
This instructor lends a different feel/flavor to the class. I am comfortable with her and in being so, I'm able to give to Zumba as much as it demands out of me. Nice. :-)  

Fellow Canuk Drivers, 
You all know the drill. Leave at the very least two car lengths ( 3 is the given) between you and the driver in front. Try to use your turn signals. ( Yeah, I know this is a big one ) Don't be texting on winter roads, I don't care how good of a driver you think you are. Clean off the foot of snow off the top of your car. ( You really look stupid when you don't, FYI ) and, under no circumstances, slam on the bleepin' brake for NO GOOD REASON on the skating rink icy roads of the highway when we're going 100 clicks an hour and I'm behind you. At 5 car lengths behind, I still wouldn't be able, you moron. 

The sun. The beautiful sun. That bright orange/yellow circular object in the sky. The one getting warmer by degree every month. How I miss thee. I am watching you wake up at the moment,  I know it's cold outside but for now, I'll just pretend there's no snow, the birds are singing, the flowers blooming. I'm on the porch sipping my first cup of coffee of the morning, greeting you. Ahh why hello, friend. 
(hey, it's my imaginary party, I'll pretend if I want to ;-)  ) 

TMJ,take a deep  breath and repeat after me, temporomandibular joint disorder, now say 'FLUCKING OUCH' loud and clear. I think I know why Van Gogh cut off his ear, he was bloody well suffering TMJ. I can handle pain, I've a high pain tolerance level. But 72 hours of it attacking me at 6 to 8 second intervals left me in tears and maybe just a little bit crazy from it. How to describe it.. take a small hot poker and slowly drive it into your middle ear drum every 8 seconds.  Geezus.. the pain. 

I had a wee bit of shopping therapy last week. ( I never knew the pleasure till now, poor hubby muahahaha) I reintroduced myself to Nike. Let's face who I am, folks. I don't do dress up unless I am forced to. I can carry it well but I love ripping it off first chance. Give me my jammies at the end of the day. 
I am equally as comfortable in work out clothes. Forgive me if I show my snobbiness here but I'm a label whore. If there is an argument to be held, it is that it far outlasts the cheaper brands, it fits better and the cuts are far superior. I've always been into fitness, give me something that makes me look good and I'll give even more effort. 
Hey.. it is who I am. And apparently I'm a Nike whore. ( But I did just discover the cut of Bench.It's a beautiful thing. Hurry up spring line, I think I'll be in need for more 'therapy' then.) 

As my hubby is currently away on the pipeline, and Sundays are typically our breakfast out days, I'm forced to get up and gasp! make my own breakfast. Sigh. This is when I miss him the most. I'm toying with the idea of going out alone but there's no fun in that. Hmm maybe if I bring a paper to read? nah.. I don't dare wake up my daughter, she has the 'grumpy as a bear' routine down pat when she wakes up. And I'm such a morning person. Ah the dilemma of it all..

What about you my bloggy pals, what are your musings of the day?


  1. You seem no where near as excited as I feel about Zumba. I guess the instructor is the key. I feel very lucky to attend classes given by the one and only Amy Cooper. She's just fantastic and keeps us motivated for the full hour. I've never seen anyone with her energy. Her choices of music make us forget we're even exercising.

  2. Zumba is of the Devil! LOl
    I am a Nike Whore!!

  3. driving in edmonton... le sigh!


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