Feb 28, 2011

Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop- Going back on words.

One of the writing prompts this week was to go back one year ago and see what I was blogging about. 

Okay, no problem. I'll go back a year ago.
I re-read the blog, well sorta kinda. I quickly skimmed over it. I didn't want to be back here and I sure as hell didn't want to be re-reading my own post. It made me uncomfortable. 
I set the laptop down, went to the kitchen and made a cuppa 'chase the crappy weather away' hot liquid. ( sick of winter doesn't even begin to cover it, peeps) thinking about why this step back made me uncomfortable, why I didn't even want to read my words from a year ago. I had to figure this one out quick.
I'm really good that way, to take an emotion that smacks me upside the head without warning, inspect then dissect it. Hell, I know who I am so I shouldn't be,what's the word I'm looking for here... taken aback ,  yeah that's the word, by a relatively mild emotion. 
huh... would you look at that. Strange. 

What I came to realize, after blindly seeping the tea for 5 minutes too long, is this: 
Other than posts like this , that or a trip back to highschool , I really don't feel like revisiting my random thoughts or musings. They've come, they've had their moment and they've taken their exit. 

I also came to the conclusion that I don't vary much from my blog, which, after some more thought, is okay in my world. I don't blog for the sake of just putting a post out there. ( that doesn't happen in blog world, does it? ;-) ) My format is tailor made for me. I don't blindly go following bloggers in hopes they'll follow me back. ( that doesn't happen in the blog world, does it? ;-) ) I follow blogs of substance for the most part. ( Ok I'll cop to following a few because I don't have the heart to delete them, hurt feelings and all ) and I would like to think those that follow me do it because they enjoy my words. Not for numbers. 

But I digress.

Today was an eye opener of sorts for me. Needless to say I won't be participating in this week's particular writing prompt...or come to think of it,  just maybe I will. ( a whole lotta thinkin' going on here. )  Because without it, this old dog wouldn't of learned something new about herself. 
Come to think of it , maybe ultimately that's what Mama Kat's Writing Workshop is all about. 

Thanks, Mama Kat

Feb 24, 2011

Musings of This, That and Other Things

Musings of This, That and Other Things

So I have this 63 year old woman at the gym who thinks she's not a day over 30. Which is fine, to each her own, but truly sweetheart, you are 63, there's no hiding the fact. 
The other day I'm jogging beside a 19 year old who'd recently been cleared to resume workouts after a terrible car crash. She's finding it hard and I was giving it my all to support her. I know what hardship is in the exercise world, I've witnessed many a triumph over the odds. I introduce myself just as the 63 old cow passes us and what does the idiot do? Throws over her shoulder as she jogs by, 'I'm Marlene, I'm 63, and I'm beating your ass'. 
I could of cheerfully hip checked her over the railing, 1 1/5 floors below. Piss off , you battle axe, at least my running partner's boobs don't frame her belly button and my small ones never will. Friggen flacking ol' cow.
Ok, I feel better now. ;-)

On the other side of the coin, I was asked yesterday if I worked at the gym. When asked why she thought that, I was told I have 'the look'. Most of the ones working there, save for the front desk are all 'youngish' so I'll take that compliment thank you very much. But I don't look nowhere their ages. As I type this, however, I wonder what 'the look' is? 

Every year I choose three or four magazines to subscribe to. I have NO idea which ones this year. I let one go I've had for 4 years now. I'm nitpickin' at them all and I don't know why.. not in the mood for decor, or cooking or Oprah or (someone please shut her the hell up) ,Ol' Martha or Freud type or Reader's Digest or Science or Geographic. Sigh. Probably because for the last four months I've barely registered any time for myself , let alone sit down long enough to browse through a magazine. But, and for some oddball reason, I take comfort in having a stack on my night table. 
Seriously.. do you care? lol Sorry, thinking out loud.

I have started laying the ground work for my next shopping spree. Planted a seed in the back of hubby's mind so when I do go, it'll be ensconced in his brain and he won't utter a peep. Sort of like power of suggestion while they are sleeping. As I'm an 'in your face' kinda gal, I'd rather the challenge of doing it in his waking hours. Yeah.. I'm just talented that way. ;-) 

Talk about trusting my Canada Post. I mailed out my unsorted but extensive collection of recipes I've gathered over the years to my sister across the country. She's madly copying schwacks of papers as she's recently discovered the joy of cooking. ( ha ha pun intended)  The postlady asked me if I wanted insurance on it. Included is a family cookbook I started for my girls when they were youngsters, it goes to them after I .. you know.. depart. How the heck do you put a price on something like that? 

I have a friend who is.. well me. She's a wee bit older, ( I can't say her age, I'm afwaidd, wery wery afwaiid ) and perhaps a tad bit wiser. (Believe me, that hurt to admit that one.) She also can play the social card with more grace than I. Where as I call someone out if they are acting like a jerk, she'll probably bide her time and cut them off at the knees at the moment of most impact. I envy her for that. ( I'm french and Aquarius, ergo: Hot headed and ready to spring when I think someone's done somebody wrong -song -  ( ha ha, those of you old enough will get that one ) .
Thing is I'm not sure whether or not I take pleasure and comfort of having another 'me' around or worried about/for the general population when we're out together. 

Come on, admit it. You're hearing that song in your head right now and will catch yourself humming it out loud throughout the day . Ha ha

What about you, my bloggy pals, what are your musings of the day?

Feb 21, 2011

Feb's 'For Today'

For Today

Outside my window...
I see the morning. Already. Haruummph.

I am thinking...
March best come in like a lion after the winter we've had. Then it can leave like a meek little lamb.

I am thankful for...
January being gone, February going and Spring around the corner? Puullleeassee? 

From the Kitchen...
I am winging it. A lot. Short on time. Note to self: Rectify.

I am wearing...
Nothing. In fact I'm standing by my window buck nekked and doing a jig. Hello??? It's cold, it's winter. I'm wearing the Canadian staple, flannels. 

I am creating...
nothing. And for that I am sad. 

I am going...
to ring Maid soon to draw my bath and get Cook to make me something yummy. Oh crap! Fired them both last week.. sigh apparently I'm roughing it today.

I am reading...
Boneman's Daughters. Dark. Hard to read in parts.   

I am hoping... 
to get to the gym today and rock it! lol yeah. right. 

I am hearing...
the furnace working like mad. It's been doing a lot of that lately. Brrrr   

Around the house...
I murdered Dust Bunnies yesterday. 

One of my favorite things...
is breakfast in bed. Well at least I'd like to imagine it is.  

A few plans for the week...
Haven't gotten that far on plans yet. Winging it, remember? Gym for sure. Combating cabin fever. Attempting to be in not such a bitchy mood. Even if it kills me. ;-) 

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...

Half a heart is better than none.

Feb 18, 2011

Feb's It's Okay!

It's Okay

...to venture out in unchartered territory. What you don't know going in allows you to move forward. Just help someone behind you when they've taken that step in. 

...to wake up at 4 am. Things like this happen. Not being able to fall back asleep? Not cool. 

...to go out in 'freeze the b@lls off a brass monkey' cold with my camera. Take nice pictures only to screw them up with camera shake, because you know, fingers don't work right in ice age temps. Live and learn. Flippin' camera in Northern Canada's dead of winter is as useful as a refrigerator to an Inuit . 

...to think pottery. ( Patrick Swayze aside, although I'd take him on as my ghost. Just sayin' ) I think the texture would be fabulous to work with. It's been playing in my mind a while. Google for my area. Check.

...to add another show on my PVR list. Chicago Code looks to be raw and gritty. Set to series record. Check.

...to do 45 minutes of 'knock me on my ass' cardio. I have the best.coffee.ever after those classes. 

...to not lose the weight as fast this go round. 8 pounds to go, noticing changes from waist to thighs. I'll take that a n y d a y. 

...to be bitchty beyond the stratosphere uber cranky. I'm just keeping to myself, staying away from any form of living thing and sulking taking it easy. :-) ( to those that read this blog and know me personally consider yourselves warned *wink*)

...have a high pain tolerance level. It serves me well at times. Why,then,does the thought of waxing terrify me? 

What about you, my bloggy pals, what are you Okay with? 

Feb 15, 2011

Feb 12, 2011

Feb's Open Letters

Dear You and others like you,
Calling a spade a spade is better than calling it what it's not. Or digging a hole and burying it.   
Grow a pair

Dear Boy, 
I take great pleasure at your discomfort at standing in my home, meeting 'the mother' for the first time. You will probably hurt my daughter and when you do, I hope it rots and falls off. 
Momma Bear

Dear Dog,
Learn how to bath yourself already. Your Eau de Dog is a complete FAIL.
Dog Walker, not Dog Bather.

Dear Back End, 
Would you take a look at you.. :-)  Squats suck big time but they are your friend I see. 
I don't wanna BUTT I hafta.  

Dear February, 
Thanks for being the shorty of the bunch. 
Spring or Bust

Dear French Fries
Ohhh you lovely mound of golden salty goodness you. How I love thee.How I crave thee once week a month and if I don't get some, heads will roll. 
Would you like fries with that?

Dear Chocolate, 
Your cravings come every 4th month. But I honor your arrival with the good stuff. When it comes to you, nothing but the best for me.
No Cheap Chocolate

Feb 8, 2011

Wordless Wednesday-Blur


Sometimes it's  just all a blur
How bad's my eyesight you ask?

Pre coffee fuzz brain

Feb 6, 2011

Musings of This, That and Other Things

Musings of This, That and Other Things

Zumba. You've all heard of it by now. A few weeks back I attended a free class at the gym where I go. Was not sure about it at all. 
How do I describe Zumba to someone who's never taken it? Um..like choreographed freestyle movements set to, for the most part, any beat with a strong drum or beat. 
I got through the class unsure about the money I had plunkered down to take it, unsure about this weird 'feel the music' type of class.   
Till a couple of weeks ago. I had my 1st of 12 classes that would take me into March. 
I was apprehensive at the start, colour me surprised at the end.
 I know what the problem was. The instructor. 
I didn't like the first one, didn't connect with her at all. Movements were awkward, confusing and didn't flow from one to another. 
This instructor lends a different feel/flavor to the class. I am comfortable with her and in being so, I'm able to give to Zumba as much as it demands out of me. Nice. :-)  

Fellow Canuk Drivers, 
You all know the drill. Leave at the very least two car lengths ( 3 is the given) between you and the driver in front. Try to use your turn signals. ( Yeah, I know this is a big one ) Don't be texting on winter roads, I don't care how good of a driver you think you are. Clean off the foot of snow off the top of your car. ( You really look stupid when you don't, FYI ) and, under no circumstances, slam on the bleepin' brake for NO GOOD REASON on the skating rink icy roads of the highway when we're going 100 clicks an hour and I'm behind you. At 5 car lengths behind, I still wouldn't be able, you moron. 

The sun. The beautiful sun. That bright orange/yellow circular object in the sky. The one getting warmer by degree every month. How I miss thee. I am watching you wake up at the moment,  I know it's cold outside but for now, I'll just pretend there's no snow, the birds are singing, the flowers blooming. I'm on the porch sipping my first cup of coffee of the morning, greeting you. Ahh why hello, friend. 
(hey, it's my imaginary party, I'll pretend if I want to ;-)  ) 

TMJ,take a deep  breath and repeat after me, temporomandibular joint disorder, now say 'FLUCKING OUCH' loud and clear. I think I know why Van Gogh cut off his ear, he was bloody well suffering TMJ. I can handle pain, I've a high pain tolerance level. But 72 hours of it attacking me at 6 to 8 second intervals left me in tears and maybe just a little bit crazy from it. How to describe it.. take a small hot poker and slowly drive it into your middle ear drum every 8 seconds.  Geezus.. the pain. 

I had a wee bit of shopping therapy last week. ( I never knew the pleasure till now, poor hubby muahahaha) I reintroduced myself to Nike. Let's face who I am, folks. I don't do dress up unless I am forced to. I can carry it well but I love ripping it off first chance. Give me my jammies at the end of the day. 
I am equally as comfortable in work out clothes. Forgive me if I show my snobbiness here but I'm a label whore. If there is an argument to be held, it is that it far outlasts the cheaper brands, it fits better and the cuts are far superior. I've always been into fitness, give me something that makes me look good and I'll give even more effort. 
Hey.. it is who I am. And apparently I'm a Nike whore. ( But I did just discover the cut of Bench.It's a beautiful thing. Hurry up spring line, I think I'll be in need for more 'therapy' then.) 

As my hubby is currently away on the pipeline, and Sundays are typically our breakfast out days, I'm forced to get up and gasp! make my own breakfast. Sigh. This is when I miss him the most. I'm toying with the idea of going out alone but there's no fun in that. Hmm maybe if I bring a paper to read? nah.. I don't dare wake up my daughter, she has the 'grumpy as a bear' routine down pat when she wakes up. And I'm such a morning person. Ah the dilemma of it all..

What about you my bloggy pals, what are your musings of the day?

Feb 3, 2011

Disconnect, Deactivate or Detonate.

I deactivated my Facebook account for a while.
I know, right? wtf?
How hard was that?
After the initial deep breath and eyes as big as saucers, I clicked the deactivation button. 
And laughed at myself for my dumb reaction. 
Which told me one thing, I really liked facebook but wasn't addicted. (Go me!) 

Now it's a personal challenge to see how long I can go without it. Honestly? I can go a very long time. It's not that hard. Huh.. who'da thunk it?
My eldest says it's freeing. She did hers last week. Albeit for very different reasons. 

Facebook chains a body. 
To a computer. 
To a laptop. 
To a cell phone. 

From misunderstandings to out and out nastiness, from stopping myself from ramming my fist in someone's face ( I'm short, can be mean but I don't smack people because of their lack of intelligence and pettiness, even if it was deserved) to coming home an emotional basket case to an 'event' on facebook, I decided to deactivate my account for a bit. It's the only thing I had control of this month, it seems. 
I'm going to take some time to do some of my favorite things with my newfound facebookless time. 
Perhaps some reading
Throw in a wee bit of writing
maybe even pick up my camera? Suewweeet!  ( if it can EVER warm up )
I know I'm sounding like I spend all my time on fb, I really don't, but I do go check it out on an average of approx. four times a day. How many times a day do you venture into Facebook land? Be truthful ;-) ( and cell/iPad updates count.

One of my besties said to start anew Feb 1st. The start of the Chinese calendar. She believes what I went through last year wouldn't end till Jan 31st. 
I'll let you know after a month. I have faith the glass is half full. 

In the meantime, those who will/need/want to stay in touch will do so via email. ( sounds archaic doesn't it? What did we all do before Facebook, let alone email??! ) 
I have to admit, I've enjoyed emails I've gotten by my friends since. It strikes me how much more personal it is. 
Most of them are warning me not to issue them the challenge of deactivating , even for a few days. I will win hands down. Awww it's ok, I'm not going to. This was my own challenge to myself, and I did it! 
As personal as Facebook can get, and we ALL know how uncomfortably personal it can be,  it's exactly the opposite at the same time. 

Don't get me wrong, as old Arnie says, " I'll be back" I like aspects of it.
But for now, I'm enjoying kicking around the chains of Facebook that are at my feet. 
When I activate it again, those chains won't shackle me because I know I can walk away from it.
Yay me. :-)

Feb 1, 2011