May 1, 2012

Musings of This, That and Other Things

Ever come across someone so sickly sweet your teeth hurt? I did. And I'm not sure how I made it through the encounter without reaching out and tripping her. Just for shits & giggles.
Not that I'm a bitch, or grumpy. Well.. I can be both, but that's besides the point.
My husband and I went to grab a bite to eat and had the misfortune of running into a cross between Pollyfreakin'anna and an adult Shirley 'Lollypop' Temple.
Omg my shoulders are almost touching my ears just thinking about it..
Just how does someone like that live in their own skin?
I hope she sheds that persona when she walks out her work doors because if she lived on my street, I'd run her out inside a week.
Give me sarcasm, stress or grumpy. I know what to do with that.
Take your extreme Pollyannas and drop them off on a remote island somewhere. I'm sure with their 1000w mega smiles they'll be able to find their way around in the dark.
And just think of what a HAPPY place that would be.

Question: How do you drive? Laid back, two fingers on the steering wheel? Your wrist casually draped over the top of it? 10 to 2, 11 to 3? Fingers interlaced?
Or do you drive wrapped around the bloody steering wheel?
Honestly, I have no idea how some do it like that. It's a danger. Flat out. How do you do a left or right hand turn without elbowing yourself in the stomach? How can you have a quick reaction time when your arms, elbows and hands tie themselves in a knot, looking like a dog pawing at something when you are yarding on the wheel?
Um and yeah.. do you realize you don't look 'cool' whatsoever? It looks like you are having a terrified white knuckle hanging on for dear life moment.

What started as making room for a new treadmill ( You're welcome Lance, I helped contribute to your Cancer cause :-)  ) turned into a four day cleaning out/selling binge.
That's what hubby called it, I called it a 'never freakin' again' binge. I was hubby's 'grunt', gopher, phone answering service, seller. On top of daily groceries, cooking, laundry, motherhood and grandmotherhood.
I had people calling me steady, ringing the door bell . (Thus ensuring a crescendo of high pitched barking from one dog and a non ending stream of short extremely loud barking from another. )
I'm thisclose to ripping that damn ringer thing out of the wall, I am.
I'm NOT a seller, I DON'T like strangers in my house, I don't like my peace and quiet blown to absolute bits.
However, I like the $$ we made. ( and are making ) I like watching my husband overcome his packrat tendencies. ( Don't believe me? Well, what does one do with 14 tape measures, 11 hammers or 7 pry bars ??! I mean... really. And sure enough, someone like my husband bought the whole enchilada. His wife was just shaking her head. I gave her the number to the 'Tool Therapy' class hubby just graduated from lol)
I have made enough to cover the new treadmill and on my way to starting my new camera body fund. Boo Ya! Hubby's after buying a boat. ( he'll do it too, just on the sheer volume of ... crap stuff he's selling. )
But I will be happy when this is over. I'll have the quiet of my house back, I'll have room in my basement ( with both girls moving back in , I have, on top of hubby's stuff, two apartments worth of their, er..things. sigh) and I have a new treadmill.

Which, by the way, I've had zero time to use :-/

What about you, my bloggy pals, what are your musings and thoughts?


  1. now you have me wondering how I drive. I'm curious to go to Starbucks in the morning. hmmmm...

  2. Time for another sale. Two apartments worth.


Most times I'll respond back here. Sometimes I"ll answer back via email. Situation depending.