May 15, 2012

Musings of This, That and Other Things.

Ahh the things you find out and can do when your adult children live with you.Things like:

- My eldest eats like my father. S l o w...zzzzzz . One food group at a time, thank you very much. One has to be all gone before starting in on the another.
- My youngest. God love her. We have this trigger happy fire alarm (not a bad thing) that starts screaming when we semi burn our toast. It sets off the one upstairs which is very loud when one is trying to sleep.(again, not a bad thing)
Sure enough the other morning one daughter burns her toast and the youngest stands at the doorbell chime,(situated on the wall) fanning for a solid minute. The eldest walks up to her, grabs the dishtowel, walks over a foot and a half fanning the actual fire alarm. (situated on the ceiling)
She meant well...
- They are adults but given the chance, they can fight like teenagers. Only with the benefit of age and razor sharp arrows. Yowza! Wiping away a tear of pride. sniff.
- They can get me to do to their bidding way faster. They use much more effective logic. Smartasses.
- I have the ridiculous pleasure of flipping them off at will now. I. Love. It. Bahahahaha
- We're able to sit and enjoy a glass of wine together. ( some of us more than one, lightweights like me, less than.You get my drift. )
- I find out what they did behind my back as teens. I laugh about it. Now. That's called smart play on their parts.
- Sex is but a fond memory. :-/  ( Mostly I put that in there because I know they are going to read this, I can hear the 'EWWWWW'. Payback is petty but fun my pretties.. BAHAHAHAHA. )
- I can walk away from the supper dishes, I can safely ignore the phone without thinking it's one of the kids in dire straights and I've walked away from the housework. (speaking of smart plays)
- Thanking the powers that be for a big enough house because two adult women with a 4 yr old in tow and two cats added to two dogs with two adults already here sucks up a lot of space.
- I'm here to tell you that three women can make it with one vehicle. It just takes a whole lotta juggling.
- Regulating sucks. Major bad week once a month. Steer clear. You've been warned fair and square.

This kind of garbage scares me and I'm powerless to do anything about it. :-(
We all check our stats ( oh don't even try to tell me you don't. ) Once a week I check mine, curious to see the search words used leading that person to my page.Today was my weekly venture in and what did I see that made me want to hurl?
'Very young, very naked'
I wish with every fibre of my being there was a way to neon highlight for the cops the people who search this type of thing. My stomach lurches and I feel an instant rage at the sickness walking free in this world. Whoever you are, you bottom feeder of slime, I hope you meet a horrible and very painful death. Soon.
But you didn't bargain for what you got did you?
Whoever you are, I hate you.

On to lighter things...
Sometimes I just gosh darn impress myself. I really really do.
Yup,tootin' me own horn, I am.
I recently purchased a new camera body which I am still doing a happy dance over. I like it that much. But as with anything technologically new it takes me a bit to stop being 'scared' of it. I dug in and bite the bullet. And bite I did. I went into the guts of it,played with every button,changed options while adding others. I really got into it's core. I found out what makes it tick.. all except for one thing. Drove me clean nuts. I spent the day yesterday googling for a solution, got nowhere. And when I get nowhere, I get frustrated to the point of tears. And I was on the cusp.
BUT ha ha! just before I went to bed, I googled it once more, the next step was to call one of my favourite photography places and pick someone's brain which I don't like doing.I prefer to figure it out on my own.
So I googled it one more time and there, in the smallest of typing, in some obscure link I. found. it.
I found it! Score!
 Boo to the YA!...then spent the next hour trying to fall asleep. Wide awake, stupid me. Stupid self induced frustration headache.
Should of gotten dressed and went night shooting because you know.. I rocked my problem, I can do anything.
Bah.. just laid there congratulating myself instead, listening to the night sounds outside. ( which can be anything from coyotes howling to screeching tires to 4 year old meltdowns. I as graced with all three. )

And what about you, my bloggy pals, what are your musings of the day?

1 comment:

  1. W. O. W !!!!! Jamie, you had me with the three grown women and one car. Then the three grown women/monthly thing...I'm rolling on the floor. Cats, dogs, four-year-olds...woozers! Your Husband must be a saint. Now about that new camera: I'm drooling and green-eyed with jealousy. Can't wait to see what you come up with now. I'm sitting on the edge of my seat.


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