May 28, 2012

Photographic Post- Kananaskis Overnighter

Hellooo? Camera's this way, Lad.
I'm Aquarian. I. Love. Water. 
There's G forces in them there waters
Mini Hoodoos

Rocky Mountains
Always prettier when snow covered 
Pretty wee waterfall 
Again.. me and water. 
A fish's joyride. Yeehawww!
That had to be some chunk of ice to cut through those rocks.
Heli skiing
Oh hello.. 
The sun managed to break through
An elf's stool?
Or an elf's umbrella? 
Late start pussy willows
Mr & Mrs out foraging
I hide behind tree, you can't see meeee
Word of advice:
Make sure you pack an extra battery or at the very least the stupid battery charger when you head off somewhere to photograph.. because, you know, you might be a dumbass like me and end up coming back home after the first day.


  1. The Rockys still have so much snow up top, eh? Fun shots.

  2. OMG Jamie, you make me miss AB SOOO much!

    1. Ahhh Venom, I know how you feel. I get homesick when I see pics of wherecI'm from.
      Perhaps you are due back for a visit, Sunshine.


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