Dec 14, 2014

Theatre Etiquette went right over her head

A word to the COW at the theatre.
1- Like you I paid very good money for these seats to the Nutcracker, hosted and performed by our very own ballet company.
2- You are tall and errr 'big boned' so your big head blocked centerstage and with the weaving and bobbing you were doing, talking to your son and daughter none stop you managed to block 75% of the entire stage for me.
3- I very politely informed you of that percentage causing me to be unable to enjoy or see most of the first half.
Your apology was accepted. I thought that was the end of that.
4- WHY in the world would you wait till intermission and all the lights are on to lose your shit on me?? Do you realize where you are in a theatre full of well dressed people. Grant you I wasn't dressed to the nines but it doesn't make me any less classier than them but a whole lot more than you. Raising your voice and picking a fight with me was low ( read: NO )   class and it makes me wonder if you've ever been to a theatre before. . ? I guess the saying 'you can dress them up but you can't take them out ' applies very much to you.
4- I asked you twice in a very low voice if you were sure you wanted to take me on right here right now to which you answered in a resounding 'Yes' and continue to beak off some more till I told you to shut the hell up. You, Madam, and understand I am using the term loosely, were a complete embarrassment.
5- Furthermore added to the embarrassment was your entire family jumping on board and telling me I'm the one who had a problem and they were going to talk to the head usher.  I understand they were backing you up but they were not privvy to the whisper I politely ushered in your ear when you stopped bobbing long enough for me to be able to do so. Talk about group mentality. However, I'd have ALL their hearing checked, they seem to have been unable to hear you beaking off non stop and loudly.  
6-Wonderful lesson you've showed your children on how to behave in a theater. Understand the sarcasm within that statement. And speaking of lessons might I suggest you take some lessons on etiquette, of ANY kind, for I believe you are in desperate need of some.
7- A glass of wine later finds me sitting in the lobby unable to go back in for my want to SMACK you upside the head is greater then the want to see the rest of the show. Given the level of need for such temporary satisfaction, you have no idea how thankful you should be. I refuse to get bailed out of the clinker by lowering myself to your no class level. You are welcome, you little shit. I do have a sneaking suspicion you are sitting in the seat in front of my empty one with a smug look on your face and smirking. Enjoy but I will enjoy the karma bus when it makes a stop in your neck of the woods much much more 
Lump of glossy coal your way, Cow. The kind covered in goat shit. That stuff smells like your personality.

Nov 24, 2014

My 'Stupid Emotional Upsets and the Fixer Uppers' kinda day.

( and by stupid emotional upset read: Menopausal, lack of sleep, stupid cold hanging around or snow. Choose one though, not all 4 mmmkay? I'm not that unbalanced  )
Stupid emotional upset: Half a tub full of hot water for my bath. Imma gonna hack that stupid hot water tank to bits in a fit, I am.
My fixer upper: Hauled out the weights and went at it. Fu*k you hot water, I'll warm up another way then, you effing persnickety piece of shit.
Stupid emotional upset: Walking up the stairs and bloody well tripping over nota. Not an effing solitary thing. Stupid life long klutz. Usually I laugh at myself but hey. . it's that kind of day, isn't it. . f a c k.
My fixer upper: Watching my neighbour trip and fall in the snow right after. Yeah, I know. . not nice but hey it stroked my bitchy funny bone right to the core.
Stupid emotional upset: Still pissed off about the tub thing. Haven't went at that contraption with a frikken Thor hammer yet. Residual anger for my loss of tub time.
My fixer upper: Took the mutts to the dog park, found out I was over dressed. The simple act of unbuttoning my coat did it. ( read: my denial moment winter's here )
Stupid emotional upset: Not feeling productive be it with my camera or in the kitchen or in any corner or my interests. I think I can blame menopausal on this one.
My fixer upper: Getting another email saying one of my photographs is up for 2014 photograph of the year on that website knowing FULL well I won't win but being considered is right fucking A enough.
My husband gets home tomorrow for a four day stay. That means coffee to wake me up in the am and breakfast out a couple of times.
So starting Wednesday till he travels back on Sunday he's going to be my fixer upper. Like he always is.
Well him and chocolate 

Nov 17, 2014

Sometimes it's the small things. .

When you are able to recognize it's the small things that sometimes make up for a great day. I'll take them. Every time.

Things like:

The dog decides to do his business right beside the garbage bin that's along your walking route. Holy crap! you mean I don't have to walk around with this shit?! ( double pun intended *wink * )

Being half way human again when the meds kick in after your stubborn self gives in and buys them. What a feeling.

The warmth of the sun on your face when you venture outside after being in the deep freeze. Knowing it's not going to last but standing there not caring if your looking like you are having a out of body experience. Cause, baby, warmth like that in this part of the world mid November is out of this world.

Coming downstairs looking forward to that happy place that caffeine kick will bring you to and finding out your daughter has supper in the slow cooker. Double. Freakin. Win.

Finding out your hubby is checking out plane tickets to your fav place in Canada, just before the insanity of Christmas, even if we might not be able to go. . ? Good enough for me and fingers crossed.

Stepping on the scale and it telling you another pound bit the dust. Hell ya,  I'll take that. . and try not to go eat all. things. carbs.  ( 9 lbs down but who's counting. . . hello? Heck, I AM!  ha ha )

Having a 2 week daily headache ease.

Your daughter coming home surprising you with your new favourite coffee cup. Finding out it'll hold more and, let's be honest, make it taste better somehow. Woot!

Sitting back and watching both your daughters's lives righten some and level out. A reprieve from the constant deep down hurting a mother will < sometimes not so > silently suffer.
This is not such a small thing, it is, however, one that very much matters.

Nailing a Christmas gift for the guy who we attach ALL receipts to his gifts to because we know he'll be returning all of them. The world's hardest person to shop for, don't try to tell me different. But hell ya, I got that boy a great one. Patting myself on the back. ( till one of the kids comes up and takes it out from underneath me because he is, and I repeat myself, the hardest person to shop for )

And there you have it, just some of the things that gives me the warm fuzzies.
What about you? What makes your day? Small big, weird, funny. . share won't you?

My new fav coffee cup! Appeals to my java lovin' Scottish heart. Aye.

Nov 6, 2014

One more before I burrow in.

One more Autumn photograph before I burrow in for the cold winter months.
I feel sadness at the passing of what was arguably the longest autumn on record.
Stay warm, Peeps, winter is at our doorstep. Especially here in Western Canada. 

Oct 18, 2014

For Today

For Today

Outside my window...
I am looking at the waning light. The days are short, the geese are flying and that is all things bad to me. Winter is at my door step once more. But not any old winter, we're told to expect the 'T-Rex' of winters.
Oh joy. Oh so not. 

I am thinking...
of the ocean. And how much I want to be walking along the shore of the pacific one right now. 

I am thankful for...
my husband. Always.   
From the Kitchen...
my heritage bubbled in the pot for 4 hours. My daughter made some of the best cretons we've made to date. My grand baby can eat that stuff by the fork full. Give me toast with butter and you just pass me that stuff my way, thank you very much. 

I am wearing...
I am starting to hate this question. Let's just say I am wearing the usual ' at home and don't rightly give a shit what I look like' attire. Savvy?

I am creating...
I gots nuthin', Peeps. Nuthin'.
I am going...
to get my flu shot this week. After last winter's H1N1 crap, I'm not inclined to revisit that type of sickness again. Ever. 

I am reading...
I am reading with my new 'water' kobo!  Oooh yeahhh, colour me happy :-D. ( the new H20 kobo, drop it in the tub and ppffhhhtt no prob, Bob, it's water safe. Ha! (not that I have ever dropped anything in the tub. I am terrified of doing it but there's a comfort in knowing if I did, my e-reader would survive intact ) 

I am hoping...
For a successful operation my husband will probably have to undergo just before Christmas. I'm not sure how I'll manage it while they have him under. Really strong coffee? Damn it, I wish it was over already. :-( 

I am hearing...
One of the dogs snore. Which he's now perfected to sound like my husband. How the hell does a dog manage that anyways?? 

Around the house...
Meh. . nothing exciting. Waiting for the permit to build the garage out back. Just what hubby needs to keep him busy. . 

One of my favourite things...
Coffee meets where your peeps put down the cell phones and keep them that way!
Wha. .??  Yup. Truth.

A few plans for the week...
Not too sure. I downloaded over 70 hours of photographic video. Watching a part of them would be a safe bet.
Here is a picture I thought worth sharing...

These 3 might have given me the white hairs I not so proudly sport but they flat out rock my world. 

Sep 11, 2014

I am honestly curious. .

I am honestly curious. .

I've been having an ongoing conversation with my youngest daughter about the point in your life when you decide to call it quits.To just let it go.
She's struggling with a few issues she is having trouble working through. Justifiable ones in my opinion,putting aside I'm her mother. There comes a point, I told her,where you KNOW you are done, you understand you are at the point where there is nothing to hang on to, nothing left to try to fix.

To a friend of mine, all it took was one line. In text. No more than eight words. BOOM! It was done. She was finally free and quite giddy on the power of closure. I am so very very happy for her because in letting go, she found herself again.
How much more of a great 'ending/ restart' is that, I ask.

I think as one gets older that 'limit' gets considerably shorter. Time speeds up at a ridiculously stoopid rate and my limit is much much shorter than someone 20 years my junior. And that's the glorious beauty of being my age, I have nothing to prove to anybody, I don't have to take what I don't want and I well recognize my worth. I am worthy of getting back the effort I put in and I flat out won't settle for less.


I am honestly curious. .

How do you deal with change? Some take it like a pro, others fall apart. Me? I've had enough of it to learn to go with the flow. Finally.
Doesn't mean I willingly embrace it all the time. Sometimes I want to build a blanket fort, take my crayons and paper in and nail a no trespassing' sign to the chairs holding up my blankies.
Other times I long for it. Life's getting short and I need a good shake up now and then.
But I'd like to think I'm pretty well balanced. The good, the great, the mediocre and even the fugly shit.


I am honestly curious. .

Can I take your word for it? Is it as good as a signed contract? You would like to think so, wouldn't  you. . I will tell you that it is a rare thing these days. I am not sure how a person goes about carelessly throwing out , " For SURE you can count on me" and not give another thought to it. Holy crap, that right there drives me around the bend. Well, until recently if truth be told.  It took me a long time but I'm learning to lower my expectations in things. ( My mom always told me I expected too much from people, she was right on some levels.)
This year, however, seems to be a year of change. After a huge (and final) disappointment(those pesky expectations of mine once again) I made a promise to myself (and my husband) and I followed through on it. A promise to him alone would be the driving force but it was as equally important to me personally to follow through.
If you know me in RL, you know when I say something you can take it to the bank. After all, a big fat bank account is much more satisfying than an empty unused/unfed one.
It's the old adage, 'If you talk the talk, walk the walk'


I am honestly curious. .

Can you go into your Facebook and cull your 'friends' list? For every 100 people on your list can you delete 5? I have routinely done this every six month or so in the last 2 years and I'm at a point where I am comfortable with who's there. It's happened to me that I've gotten requests and I've sent out a hello. Upon not being rated high enough for a response, I promptly deleted those people.
Again, life is too short for nosy/rude peeps.
So. . can you? Delete 5 for every 100 on there? lol Good luck with that. ;-)


I am honestly curious. .

What did you think of this blog post?

Aug 17, 2014

The day the mountain crumbled

The Frank Slide

90 million tons of limestone rock slid down Turtle Mountain within 90 seconds.
I can not imagine the sound of a mountain letting go nor what the miners (who were underground at the time) felt after they dug themselves out. What they saw or rather didn't, which was the east side of Frank gone.

Read the write up on it, or google it. Or, if you can, hop in the car and drive through it, like we did. Wow.

Aug 8, 2014

This That and Other Things. All of which matter.

It's an overcast day at the moment, perfect time to haul out my camera and go play. But nope, laziness has struck me and here I sit at Starbucks people watching. Ohhh how I LOVE people watching.
I really really should be a street photographer ( full disclosure, I'm reading up on it like mad, studying the works of the greats ) but one needs people and busy, craziness and the heart of a city. At the very least a BIG town.
And if I've been struck down beaten by laziness then I'm sure not hopping in my car and driving an hour ( factor in construction, lights and traffic. Geezus SHOOT me now, I'm cringing at the thought ) to do it.
Not today.
For my tomorrows, however, that's another story. Oooohh I am looking forward to it, my trigger finger itches and I must scratch that itch. Soon.

However, my learning curve lately has been of a different kind altogether. And it's on a 'must learn' basis. I must, for my youngest daughter's sake.
She has been diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) and she's a lifer with it. Basically it becomes a gluten, dairy and sugar free way of life.
I know, right? Not for the faint of heart.
She surprised me by embracing it right away for she is not one to accept change easily or readily. I am proud of her and it's been a learning experience ( yup, you can teach an old dog new tricks go figure! )
Sugar free no prob. I am a hypoglycaemic and have followed that diet since she was 9 months, it's a way of life they were brought up with.
But gluten and dairy free? Whoa! no more white/whole wheat flour, no milk. Limited cheeses ( I am on the hunt to find a brand of Daiya cheese she'll actually like. But for now, we have Swiss )
I watched her crumble the other day at the sheer amount of sacrifices she's had to make. Literally from one day to the next. It broke my heart to watch her struggle, to want what she can't have. We all have our moments where we want to say, 'Screw it' but she can't. This is her health and life at stake.
I made her go wash her face, left her daughter with Papa and we went to Bulk Barn. Buckwheat, oat, brown rice, almond, coconut flours among a few others. Tapioca and potato startch, pure buckwheat pasta, sugar free dark chocolate chocolate chips ( holy shit, why helllooo there chocolate ) a few of the things we bought.
Yup, she is going to eat bread and pasta again. Ask me about the delicious sugar , gluten and dairy free blueberry muffins we've mastered. To go along with the lactose and sugar free chocolate icecream we have in the freezer.
As she says, ( when she nails and posts a certain recipe for something she craves ) ' Because F U PCOS'
Proud? Just a wee bit. She comes out swinging when something tries to knock her out.
And she usually wins. This is one war she has no intentions of losing.
Because Fuck Ya, that's my Boo. :-)
(As an aside, she's lost 34 lbs and still going! Hard works pays off, Peeps. She's living proof)

The internal war that my eldest daughter has been and is still fighting. (how does one survive the heartache of watching two daughters hurt, fall and fight these wars. well one simply does and it is a pretty sweet deal when they triumph)
It's been a long long time watching my eldest be unhappy. She's been struggling to find her footing and direction in this sometimes cruel stupid narrow-minded world and I've been powerless to help her along her way. ( One of the most impactful things I got from her was what she told me a few years ago. 'Mom', she said after I wished pain upon myself instead of my kids, ' Some times there are things that are not your path to walk'.
Yup, pretty much stopped me in my tracks and blew me away. She was 100% right on the pin.
No, it doesn't make it easier but it allows me to be stronger for them when they are on such a path.
I know, right? She's a master at logic. It's how she won many an argument with me when I said no and fell upon the , 'Because I said so' line.
Anyhow, like I said, it's been a while. She left a 3 year relationship that should of ended a year into it, struggling to regain 'self' which she did. Not an easy task when bitterness and pettiness from the other side kept smacking her in the face. Repeatedly.
She left a job she was climbing the managerial level in but wasn't happy. That's mi Bella, high 5's babe.
She went back to University! Oh hell ya. After six years of being out of school she went back to what is a world away from high school. But she went back older, wiser, more mature and able to handle this type of educational environment. One of the biggest changes of her young life. ( yet was she ever young I wonder, she's such an old soul that one )
She has worked her damn butt off. Being recognized by the Dean, 3.9 GPA, scholarship. Yeah, she's owning that education and the thousands of hours pouring over papers, reading, writing writing writing.
Brain fed. Check.
Heart? Another matter. She dated, she flirted and she got into another year long relationship. This one was rough on her as well. Her heart was involved but his wasn't. And truth be told, he was full of warts that affected her on many levels. Nope, no prince there.
Extraction from this was hard and painful. She floated, trying to regain her balance and in the effort made some steps towards the same type of situation. Only to be hurt and hurt over and over.
Hard to watch your kid hurt, I felt it, I cried and raged. Wanting to hurt the assholes that couldn't see what she had to offer.
Okay in truth, I always want to hurt those that hurt my daughters. Some I want to scratch and punch, others I want to do worse to. But it isn't my place, unless asked. And lucky my girls are smart enough not to ask, I'd probably make the 6 o'clock news and their father would probably be jailed.
But lately, I have watched her change. Gone is the heavy sad look in her eye. I see a clear twinkle in there, a ready laugh and a. . lightness about her.
She's in heavy heavy like. ( I have no idea if it's tipped into love , she's yet to tell me )
I have goosebumps as I write this, such is my happiness.
This relationship is different, I can see it, feel it and I LIKED her girlfriend right off the hop!
This woman has beautiful kind eyes, there's a natural genuine friendliness to her that comes across instantly. ( remember I'm a people watcher and an Aquarian. Ergo: I can spot a fake from a mile away, and can pretty much sum you up within the first 5 minutes )
And she respects my daughter, how the hell can I NOT like her?!
I can't tell you how much of a soothing balm it is to my heart to watch my baby become her 'self' again. I can't put it into words.

****For those of you who have issues with homosexuality with your kids let me tell you two things:
#1- You have absolutely NO business picturing them and what they do sexually. Be it with a man or a woman. And if another woman makes your daughter happy then get on board. Stat. Because, at the end of it, that's what matters. Inner peace, happiness and someone to embrace life with.
#2- Homosexuality does NOT define WHO a person is. It is not the sum of what they are. They are humans and that means layers and layers of complexities, of personalities. . of characteristics. Love them for who they are not who they are sleeping with. ****

So it's been quite a time of it this year to watch both my 'babies' struggle, fighting to put one foot in front of the other and make sense of the direction their lives are heading in.
I've always said it and will say it again, I've got me two very strong women on my hands. Their dad and I can take some of the credit but mostly you best give it to them because they are full deserving of who they are, what they are becoming and where they are heading.

As for my end, I can now start to concentrate more on 'me' and I will be honest, I am looking forward to it. In the last four months, I've undergone some changes myself and am really enjoying the benefits of it.
I have let go of what I needed to, turning my concentration and efforts to where they are needed. I am happier. More free. Of expectations, of disappointment, of acceptance in things I am powerless to change.
Oh don't get me wrong, I am still working on things, some of which will take me a little while to work through but one foot in front of the other. Slow and steady, she will win the race.
Just like my beautiful daughters.

Happy trails, Peeps.


Jul 15, 2014

That moment when. .

. . it's the middle of night and the dog goes from dead asleep to flying off the bed barking his fool head off. I go from a DEEP sleep ( which by the way is very difficult to achieve ) to instantly awake with my heart racing out of my bloody chest.
I think I'm going to buy a nerf gun, keep it close and and shoot the little frigger every time he pulls that crap. Do you know how long it takes me to fall back asleep after??

. . I want to get out of my vehicle at a red light, walk over to the very new very yellow convertible corvette, tap the old dude on the shoulder ( I'm talking white hair with, yes, the famous comb over) open palm gesture the entire vehicle and say, " Why, old man, why? "

. . I can finally
                                (fess up, you are SO singing it right now :-P)

. . the fence goes up between me and my neighbour and we're suddenly on speaking terms after 4 years? Yup, the old adage holds true, Peeps.

. . I get woken up by the sound of a steaming hot cup of coffee being placed on my bedside table. I'd marry that boy all over again on that one alone.

. . I think I'm all clever, stealthy and shit. ( I tried bringing up the James Bond tune in my head but all I came up with was the Pink Panther. Oh well, more my style )
I'm still giggling over my cleverness. Hey, give me this one mmkay? it doesn't happen often.

. . I write a post in my blog after a long long time of not writing anything.

Jun 29, 2014

Macro with the iPhone

"The trick to forgetting the big picture is to look at everything close-up"

May 22, 2014

What once was a home. .

“Home is one's birthplace, ratified by memory.”

Abandoned houses hold a fascination of their own. The stories they would tell if they could. . . 

May 9, 2014

"Man is a dog's idea of what God should be."

Once upon a time there was a dog and a man

Who frolicked and played

Lending a helping hand

Watching each other's backs

Never straying too far from one another

. . . and then they were gone.

Apr 4, 2014

It takes a special kind of . . .

To pass through the back alley with a backhoe, bucket down, early in the morning when the ice/snow has frozen over from the overnight temperature nosedive. My town's tax dollars at it's best.

Self entitlement
to pull a u turn just before a light, to which yours was red. You made everyone wait because it wasn't a u-turn, it was a four point effing asshole self entitled 180 turn.

Not to bring your cart back to it's holding pen at the grocery store but rather leave it right in front of the driver's door of the car beside you. May the doors of every car held together by duct tape within a 100 mile range park really close beside you.

To bring your world down to one 'subject'. To not explore outside your box. Creativity stilted. You become a mere one colour and one gets tired to looking at the same shade all the time.

To continually take and not give. Or is this ego I wonder?

And some just don't have it. Despite the effort. Again is this ego I wonder?

Of self esteem to constantly seek attention. Why? Why does one need it so? Not the kind of attention that sustains and allows one to learn either. The shallow meaningless kind, the fluff. Sorry but I refuse to buy cheap seats to your show.

Not to reach out and throat punch many people that fit the above categories. Yes, I agree, I should be commended. ;-)

Feb 8, 2014

Happiness and GAS in Photography terms

Sometimes you come across a written piece that pulls, tugs and feels like it was written for you exclusively.
This is such a piece. Written by a very talented photographer but it can apply to all of us on many levels.
He's a refreshing change from the competitive cutthroat business that is photography. He calls a spade a spade however, admitting he can have a thin skin at times.
He's just such a real deal.

***  I discover “flow” when I am out shooting on the streets. When I am shooting, all of the problems of my life disappear. *** - Eric Kim

Oh yeah. . . Me.

Eric Kim on Happiness and Street Photography

For those of you who suffer from that painful GAS issue
GAS relief! 

For Today


It's Okay


What about you, my bloggy pals, what are YOU okay with?



 I Believe


 ...What do you believe?

Feb 3, 2014

The Wedding Crasher

As in Me.
Yup, I did and I scratched it off my bucket list! 

The Happy Couple ( I felt bad for her, it was cold that day! )

Aww can you read the love in those hands :)

What was with the dress? Was she trying to outdo the bride???
The bride, the maid of honour and Ms 'Cookie Sheet Camera' lady. Geeeeze, it was in my way ;-) 

But alls well that ends well.

Jan 20, 2014

A few random pics.

I'm not saying I like winter, not by any stretch. But sometimes it can be. . okay. 
This is Winter's 'Dad' and her 'Brother'. Winter is a beautiful Husky with piercing blue eyes I come across at the dog park all the time. Today, she was shown up neatly by the ridiculously cute hats Dad and Bro were sporting. How awesome can this pair be. .  Kudos Dad.  :-)  

I felt SO bad for this fellow. He was caught between four 20 something females (2 in front, 2 in back)  who were gossiping. Very loudly. ( Geezus, they were a vicious bunch., nasty and mean, whoa!)  He looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here. Ahh what we do for our coffee fix. Sorry, Buddy,  I promise you they grow up. Eventually.  :-/

Yeah, this isn't Charlie that bit my finger. It's graceful me who had a wipeout worthy of a 7 second Vine video but OH well, no one was around to tape it. (so like the proverbial tree in the forest with no one there, did it really happen hmmm?)  I figured I could pull a Chuck Norris by stopping my fall with one finger, cause if he can do it damnit so can I , right? Yeah, not so much. Seems I need more training, Chucky baby.  (Btw appreciate this post, typing's a bitch)

Someone wake me up when winter's over. I'm making like a bear and hibernating for the rest of it. If you dare enter my lair, bring coffee.
Or wine.
Or take me away to somewhere tropical. I've got a temporary hate on for all who post pics of warm places and sunny beaches. I dislike each and everyone of you till I hear you complain about the cold. Then I'm smug and hope you feel the cold glide along that gorgeous tan and grab you by your ass.

Jan 10, 2014

For Today

For Today

Outside my window... if I shut my eyes tight I can bring up images of green grass, bright sun and long lazy warm summer nights.  Oh puulleassee don't make me open my eyes. . I'm in my happy place :-p

I am thinking...
I kinda l o v e having the house to myself. How often does this happen? Watch me, I probably jinxed it, frack. 

I am thankful for...
ok, this will be self serving but holy mackerel! I've been blasted SO sick lately . I'm thankful for not being in the throes of that wicked bad flu that came a knockin' not too long ago. I felt so so badly for my husband as he's hardly ever sick save for a cold now and then. He couldn't believe how much he was hurting. But ! he soldiered on. Kudos to him :) 
From the Kitchen...
I went out today and stocked up on fruit and vegetables. With the flu, we threw out so much good foods because eating only happened to ward off starvation. It''s pricey to eat healthy. 

I am wearing...
well DUH, yoga pants paired with big fat fuzzy pink socks, a black tank top ( I can't decide if I'm hot or cold ) and a head of  wild crazy hair.
#curly hair girl problems. 

I am creating...
nothing. BUT I'm either going to pull out my calligraphy set I got for Xmas or I'm going to go for a nap.
I'm undecided.  
I am going...
to perhaps saunter over to my local library, it's been a while. I love the 'sounds' of a library; the swishing pages of a book someone's perusing, the 'quiet' atmosphere, the vast amount of knowledge at one's fingertips. Yeah. . I just might do that today.

I am reading...
the number on the scale. Then I'm putting it away for three months. Yeah, it's only a number but I need a starting point to chisel away at. Can't say I like it much but hey, it's time to pay the piper.
. . .Now to put that stupid thing away. ugh

I am hoping...
this year will be full of surprises, adventures and more 'me/us/we' time. Much more.

I am hearing...
weekend noises. They are different than Monday to Friday noises. Everything starts later, nothing is rushed. There are no early morning gunning of engines, no honking horns from impatient drivers car pooling, no alarm clock going off next door with the neighbour slow on the take. I vote on the latter.Yeah, I hear it every. frikken. morning.
But best of all, I have the whole freakin' house to myself. Boo YA!

Around the house...
I wish I could fling open the windows wide and hear signs of spring. So close yet so far. But like the turtle, it'll get here eventually. I'll just hang on to that thought.

One of my favourite things...  
is feeling body parts starting to tighten up. Last year was a complete wash and I can't believe I let it go to that degree. What can I say except that I am but a mere human.
#lessons learned.

A few plans for the week...
I'm starting to research the best espresso machine available. I've never owned one but my husband loves espressos and I'll gladly embrace the caffeine jolt. :-)   

Here is a picture I thought worth sharing...

To help you along your way.
you're welcome :-)