Jun 14, 2010

I Believe!

...in the education process. Never stop learning.

...in Grey Goose. Smooth like buttah.

...we all have our inner bitch. Sadly most of us don't know how to use it to full potential.

...leaving the fridge and freezer door ajar for a period of time ( WTF happened there?) isn't good for the appliance. Oopsy?

...in never leaving home without my sunglasses, it's all about people watching without getting caught.

...stepping on an ant hill scars you for life. shudder

...women hold the power. It's how you choose to use it that delivers the most punch.

...the dumber the commercial, the more you'll remember it. Objective achieved.

...the mosquito population is out of control when I come home from a walk and my arms are swollen looking like I have chickenpox. *&$(%*$ UGH

...in the beauty of seeing justice served. It's not cold, it's just ... satisfying, ya know?

...Spanish women are beautiful. Period. 

...the core of who we are doesn't change. Be it good , bad or ugly. It comes out sooner or later, through actions, words or reactions. 

... it's time my day starts, the dogs are looking at me with long faces. sigh. 

...What do you believe?


  1. I believe I'll have a little Baileys in my coffee this morning.
    Wait, wait -- actually I believe I'll have a lot of Baileys in my coffee.
    Or maybe I'll just skip the coffee.

  2. Aye, rough morning was it? Screw the glass, swig outta the bottle. For statement purposes only , of course.


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