Sep 4, 2010

September's It's Okay!

It's Okay! love your hubby, I do. But not 24/7. He was rained out a lot , he was bored, I was tripping over him. Not good. hide your Gray Goose when hubby's friend comes over. He's a thirsty man, I drink expensive stuff which he depletes and doesn't replenish. Ever. want to run away. It's called 'responsibilities' and Jamie just doesn't want any for a while. be told you are uneducated. Factually true to some degree, but sometimes having a different sort of smarts beats all. eat like a pig, drink like a fish and sleep like a baby one weekend a year. I believe I'm deserving of a weekend coming to me. have said weekend, enjoyed it and demand want many more. have an operation and be warned not to work out for 4 weeks but bloggie friends? It's been 2 weeks and I'm going snaky. How am I going to last 2 more weeks?? bitch to hubby. But he's not listening anymore and I'm not done. This is why we have girlfriends,ya? 
Ring ring, girlfriend, ring ring. Answer the phone, I need to bitch vent.

...What are you Okay with?


  1. I'm definitely Okay with running away. I want to do so more and more lately. Oh, and I want to go home too, I just can't figure out where home is!

  2. Did I hear Grey Goose? I'm on board and I'll treat! Lets take off for a girls weekend! Now that would be fun!

  3. I am okay with who I am and nobody is going to beat me down just because I have a different opinion. Hear that, Mister!?
    I am okay with running away and being alone by myself sometimes.
    Thanks for sharing your list.

  4. 1) I hide my expensive vodka in the freezer (hidden in the back in the chicken strips box) 2) I go away by myself at least once a year. Sometimes I meet up with a friend..many times just by myself so i can explore 3) have 2 computers yours and hers in 2 different parts of the house

  5. I agree - hide the grey goose and save it for martini's and I would so love to have a free eating/drinking/sleeping weekend. I'll keep dreaming.

  6. I am learning to be ok with being an empty nester, work widow, alone ( A LOT) not having friends locally past my daughters and hubby and not having a lot of spare money. I am ok with my body for real, for the first time in a long time. I am ok with how life is this very moment as it is A LOT better than it was a month ago.

  7. Cassandra,
    I've had the opportunity to run away a few times, I advocate it highly. BUT at the same time, it's always nice to come home again. And home is where your heart is.. as the saying goes.

    Game on, Baby! Name a date and time!

    You tell it like it is, SIster :-)

    I hear you on all three fronts. I'm on all over the second one.

    Invision it, plan it and as the famous slogan goes, 'Just DO it!'
    Dare ya.

    One learn's a lot about one's self when you have no one but yourself to rely on. We grow, we become stronger. You are walking testimony.

  8. These are great! I think it ok to feed your kids pop-tarts for dinner, once a week...

  9. Missy,
    You sure you didn't live right around the corner from me? We're an awful lot alike. ;-)

  10. I'm okay with following the doctors orders (hint, hint).

    Though I too am feeling impatient and I want to WALK - what I want more is to not screw myself over by doing too much, too soon.
    I want to be able to walk (hopefully without pain) for the rest of my lifetime, so I'll wait for the Dr's go ahead.

  11. I hide Bailey's at christmas...I'll break fingers if anyone touches it!


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