Oct 29, 2010

Borrowing a meme. Love. it. Titled 'For Today'

I happened upon this from Gypsy Heart. Love it. Going to be using it from time to time...

For Today

Outside my window...
I see ice fog in the air.. winter's not far behind.

I am thinking...

that I need to go buy me a pair of kickass boots.

I am thankful for...
this warm sweater my sister gave me.

From the Kitchen...
I created yesterday. Today is leftover day.

I am wearing...

I am creating...
a black and white album

I am going...
to make sure I get on the treadmill today.

I am reading...
Reader's Digest. Guess where? ;-)

I am hoping...
My daughter's move goes smoothly.

I am hearing...
the washing machine spinning like mad.

Around the house...
I'm ignoring housework. What's new...

One of my favorite things...
is coming back home after being away a couple of weeks. 

A few plans for the week...
The week's almost over but I am looking forward to hanging with my eldest Sunday.

Here is a picture for thought I am sharing...



  1. I love that meme. I keep thinking I should use it one day, but it never fits. LOL I'm also hoping your daughter's move goes smoothly. Hugs to both of you <3

  2. Excellent! And I'm ignoring housework too...


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