Oct 31, 2010

Musings of This, That and Other Things

I had to laugh, poor hubby.. we were out for supper with him facing the room and my back to it. We had a really good meal Dessert was delish, even if I wasn't allow it. To bad, I'm all about the pumpkin pecan pie. Homemade thank you very much. Anyhow, as we walk out I notice a woman devouring hubby with her eyes. She has him undressed and nekked on top of her, I see it, hell everyone sees it. ( later found out hubby had to 'suffer' it the whole time we were there. Please read the sarcasm in the word 'suffer')   She's been drinking with her girls for the better part of the two hours we've been there. Hubby is good looking, I grant you that, but sugar? Do you see who he's with? Do you see his hand on the small of my back? Do you see him not looking at you? 
Me being me, I am NOT letting this one go, if she can be ballsy so can I. I catch her eye, give her a smirk, a shoulder shrug and I saunter out. Tough shit, sweetheart, it's not you he'll be thinking of later on tonight.

Speaking of, and judge me if you wish, flirting and women... I have NO problem hubby flirting with other women. In fact I encourage him to. Looky looky, no touchy is my motto. I know a few women might have problems with this in regards to their own significant others,but I am not one of them. A man's ego pride is a huge part of who he is, like it or not. They love their egos/prides stroked/stoked.Hubby comes home to me every night and if he feels like a king because some hot chick batted her bedroom eyes at him then I benefit from it. But after 30 years, I betcha I can make him preen a whole lot better than any woman out there. I know my boy, I just get a kick out of letting him 'play'.

So not my brightest move. I was finishing a glass of wine, grand daughter sitting in the chair watching me. She wanted a 'drink' (it's what she calls a glass of water ) in the same glass. I wash it out, fill it with water setting it down in front of her. She picks up the glass takes a sip, rubs her belly and says, ' Yummy acohul Nammie'. Ask me how wide my eyes got. Oh.My. God.  Her mother is going to K I L L me. sigh. Bad move, dumbass.
To make matters worse, I busted out laughing. Yup, I did. 

I was in Costco going to spend copious amounts of money on useless crap having a looky-see the other day. I came across the chocolate Advent Calendars and sighed, sadness settling in on my shoulders. This would be the first year I wouldn't buy my children any. 23 yrs of buying some every year, watching their eyes light up at the different themed chocolate pieces. Last year I didn't think they got a huge kick out of them, one daughter moved out, the other had left it on the table. I thought that was it, last year. 
I mentioned it to my eldest recently and she brought me to task over it. I should of known, she's a mini me, little traditions such as this makes for warm fuzzies. I'm happy once again, I can still play 'mommy' to at least one of my girls. :-)

We were eating Thanksgiving supper at the kitchen table counter ( we don't stand on ceremony at our house) and we each took turns saying what we were thankful for. It went something like this:
Youngest Daughter: I'm thankful for meds. lol
Eldest Daughter: I'm thankful for the self demotion at work. ( stepped down from GM to shift leader, her choice ) 
Me: Im thankful for alcohol. That's all. 
Hubby: I'm thankful for when you both will have your own place. 
I lifted a glass and drank to that. 
Now sing with me... we are fam-mil-leeee 

Conversation between my two daughters on facebook, starting with youngest's fb status.

Youngest Daughter:  Thinks her little girl has a serious case of iwontlistentoanythingmymommysays.
Eldest Daughter: Ah, that is genetic. I'm afraid her mother suffered from chronic iwontlistentoanythingmymomorsistersay. It may be for life. I'm sorry to say it is incurable. On the bright side, extensive therapy has proven to partially alleviate the afflicted of symptoms once tested subjects have passed the initial teenage stage. 
Youngest Daughter: I fully understand why Mom took up drinking. 

Hello, my name is Jamie and my kids drove me to drink. 

What are your musings today?


  1. Oh man! LOL....what a great read for first thing Monday morning! You da best!


  2. Hilarious! I especially love: yummy acohul Nammie.
    Pretty sure I had beer in my bottle, and I'm ok :-) (mostly!) xo

  3. I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall at that dinner! I hate when women do that!


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