Oct 11, 2010

October's Open Letters

Dear (so called) 'Professional' Person,
You took your position and abused it.  Watch you don't fall face first in the crap you enjoy spraying. Your true colours makes you ugly, inside and out. Your comeuppance ( go get a dictionary, sugar) isn't far behind.
Find some class. 

Dear Cheese Puffs
The way you slowly melt on the roof of my mouth when I apply a slight bit of pressure.. the way you release all your cheesy goodness... the way I can't stop when I'm with you.. is it any wonder I snarl when someone else touches you? 
Your Obsessed Fan

Dear Dance Floor Traveler, 
There are a lot of women in that room. We all need room to move, make up your mind where you want to be and stay within a three foot radius of it. Like we all do. Back me into the wall again, and you won't like how I 'bounce' off it straight back to you. 
Space Cadet ( again ) 

Dear Rain,
Piss off, Eh
Sunshine Starved

Dear Brain, 
Not a good time to start thinking in the dead of night. You go places you've no business at. Shut down, shut up and sleep. 
I gotta thinkin' problem

Dear Justin Bieber,
Your photo op with the Hooter girls on the front page? You're still wet behind the ears, boy. Fail.
Newspaper Reader

Dear Me, myself and I
Hang on ok? 
Me, myself and I

Dear Carbs, 
Some days you are my happiness, some days my curse. Why can't you and my body play nice with each other? I'm more than willing, so um get with the program already. 
Carbs whore

Dear Person who is enjoying my coffee card, 
I hope the next cup you drink burns your entire mouth, ass.hole. That will be a good hint to turn a card in when you find one.
Coffee Karma


  1. the dance floor one was my favorite...this heifer near broke my foot in the gayborhood a few weeks ago...her gay "BF" saw the fight in my eyes so he bought he a drink and took the heifer back to the meadow she was grazing on. bitch.

  2. people always get what they deserve in the end... never any escaping that.

    i feel you on the cheese puffs

    beiber's a tool

    the dance floor? do tell disco diva

  3. I laughed out loud at Dance Floor Traveller since it was ME she pushed around last class :-P
    I'm grateful Aydra is over Bieber.
    And I'm really anxious to know which Professional Person ticked you off :-) xo

  4. Brat, decent of the heifer's friend to buy you a drink. Dawn and I will have to flip for who's going to be behind her Wednesday..

    Michie, will tell you about her when I see you.

    Missy, I'm SO hoping in the coffee karma, greedy S.O.B.

    Dawn, You already know about Professional Person, I'll refresh your memory tomorrow.

  5. LOL
    "Carbs," wistfully, painfully. "Ah, cinnamon rolls in the refrigerator...."


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