Oct 14, 2010


One of my Facebook status entries was my husband and I reminiscing about the 'A&W drive in' days.The waitresses would come out and bring lunch on a tray that would be balance on the driver's window ledge. At the risk of dating us, in our defence, we were very very young.
That got me to thinking about other things gone the 'way of the dinosaur'.     ( which is how most 20 yr olds look at me now. sigh. Little shits, what do they know. Pardon me, I digress)

Let's see if a few jiggle your memories.

The Tabletop 5¢ Jukebox. Believe it or not, in my hometown, we still have a pizza joint complete with the jukeboxes. Grant you I think it's 25¢ for 3 songs now. Inflation. Sigh. But it wasn't a Saturday night without that greasy pizza and our nickels. I betcha lap dancing must of been born out of our seat boogies. ;-).

Rotary dial phones. ( shall I mention party lines in this as well? Ok, just did. ) A few years back we were scoping out an antique sale, my youngest was around 6 yrs old at the time. We spied this rotary dial phone,retro green in colour. I pointed it out to hubby, the memories bubbling to the surface. My daughter stared at it, knowing what it was but not understanding the big metal round 'thing' in the middle of it.
"Mom", she pushed on the numbers," How do you call someone with this, it's broken."
I laughed putting my finger in one of the holes and I turned the dial ever so slowly. Her look of amazement was priceless. I'll never forget that look and to this day I have been searching for a specific workable one.

Barbies, Schmarbies. Cut out dolls and paper clothes with tabs was where it was at, my bloggy friends. The hours we spent using our imaginations, creating rich stories and taking care not to rip the tabs. Tape was never far away. Rarely was there any arguments between my sisters and I. Unless of course,one of us ripped the shoulder tab off. There was no hair to cut off the dolls, no sharp little shoes to step on and pierce the tender underneath of your foot. No clothes of minuscule sizes to put on and have the barbie's finger rip it. It was cheap entertainment but it kept us out of our mother's hair for hours on end. Brilliant.

Knockers. Remember them? Those two balls secured by a rope on either end with a ring in the middle. Some made of teeth shattering plastic,others of coma inducing marble. Lol dangerous much? But ohhh la la, we had a claim to fame and the envy of all our friends if we were able to clack those things non stop. Eventually we'd bean ourselves, leaving nasty bruises that would have teachers, in this day and age, call foul against the parents. How many split lips and crushed fingers did you suffer from them? I was pro but I willingly suffered blood loss for the fame. Fun? Yes. Painful? Those things could be used as a torture device I bet.

The Irish Rovers. Green Aligators song. I know, I just threw that one in there. We used to make my dad sit on the couch and play it over and over and over and over again. Sing he did, every single time. :-)

The old Coke. You know the one. Pop the top off the glass bottle, take a swig and feel your sinus burn off making your eyes water. Nothing could make you burp better or satisfy more.  Now, THAT was coke. Period.

 So.. wanna Retro?  :-)


  1. I remember rotary dial phones and party lines. As a teen, I had to share a phone line with six church ladies. It was horrible!

  2. I remember all of these, except the party lines! I loved the knockers (we called them clackers, I think)and I'm pretty sure I played them endlessly.

    We bought the Coke in bottles and Dr. Pepper (10-2-4) and kept the old bottles in the garage to return to the store. Remember how scratched up they would get after being reused so many times?

    Thanks for the smile!

  3. Oh I feel old now! And Paper dolls rocked!

  4. Hi just calling by from your latest follower Via Friday Blog hops. Love meeting new bloggers. It amazing the things that you remember from your childhood. Hope you are having a end of the week.Be sure to check my blog out www.jamarahcraftycreations.blogspot.com

  5. These can't be actual memeories, because we are far too young for that to be true?

    I remember playing spy games and 'rubber-necking' on the party-line; I knew more about Miss Margaret down the road than her family did. Yikes. My parents STILL have an ORANGE rotary dial in their kitchen. True story.

    Clackers: got the grade one pic with both eyes blackened to prove I had a set.

    Paperdolls: my sister always hoarded them, leaving me to play with 'Walky Wendy', a doll so big I can remember nearly smothering when she fell over on top of me.

    Tabeltop jukes: only one thing to say about them -- ABBA!!!!

    Irish Rovers: classic. "green alligators, and long necked geese, some humpty backed camels and some chimpanzees"

    Coke: can't beat the original.

    A&W: Red Deer AB We spent 3-4 days a weeks sitting there for supper when my mom was pregnant with my brother. Had a basement FULL of rootbeer jugs too.

    Remember only 2 channels on black & white TV?
    Children who played outside, voluntarily? Parents who needn't worry about the kids being gone sunup to sundown?
    Remember riding your bike, 10 speed in high school, and it was still a cool method of transportation?
    Remember the hoolahoop?

    I remember none of these things, I've just read about them. ;-)

  6. Awesome! I remember all of those things. Don't forget the Lawrence Welk show we watched every Sunday night I think.
    My Moms friend still has a rotary dial phone - that is all they have ever had - no computers etc. This summer her husband found something laying on the lawn while he was mowing the grass. He asked a neighbor kid what it was - a CELL PHONE! I think the kid is still laughing!

  7. Missy, 6 church ladies? Oh man, you win that one hands down.

    Sherri, I remember the roughness of the bottles after, like sandpaper :-)

    Diva, Uhoh, sowwie? lol

    Crafty, there's a lot more. Read Venom's comment.

    Venom, roflmao@ just read about them. Nice!

    Kim, my husband's grandmother is like your mom's friend. She has a functional stove beside her wood stove that she never uses. Well other than storing her pots and pans.

  8. Rotary dial phones! What I remember most about those was how incredibly slow they used to be when you were in a hurry... and then if you made a mistake - mercy!

    Shaun Cassidy, Disco; Eight is Enough, Happy Days & Laverne and Shirley; Fun Dip and Pixie Sticks; Pintos and station wagons with wood paneling... oh the list goes on :)

  9. My sister and I used to make knockers out of chestnuts from the trees in front of our house when we lived in BC. Fun memories - that and drive-ins! In my old house, we had one so close we could put lawn chairs in our back yard and tune in to the station for sound.

  10. Carrie, thanks for some more memories.. wood paneling? Try on the walls in a house. How '70ish eh

    Dawn, trust you my lovely friend to have had a vivid imagination back then. I expected nothing less of you , my loverly writer xo ( P.S. kept you out of trouble for a while anyways lol )

  11. Well, that post brought back some memories! Except I don't think I know the Irish Rovers. I think my father held onto his rotary dial phone till just a couple of years ago!


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